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Slylock Fox, 11/6/23

One thing I’ve never really considered about the post-animalpocalypse Slylockverse: what do the other sapient animals think about the great apes? Are they considered just one more stone in the brilliant mosaic of a multispecies world? Or are they too close to the mostly exterminated H. sapiens for comfort? Today we learn that at least some of these apes unnaturally trim their fur to better resemble stars of the clownish human entertainments that the animals still watch and half-understand. This is, I assume, off-putting for everyone involved, as Slylock’s facial expression here seems to indicate. Yet if Slick Smitty were to catch site of these stooge-apes and fly into a violent rage at their cruel mockery of his massacred fellow humans, he would be the one put in jail! Is there no justice?

Rex Morgan, M.D., 11/6/23

Sure, there have been a lot of changes to Rex Morgan, M.D., over the years, but we should never forget that this is primarily a strip about Rex and June Morgan, who react to perceived bullshit with some of the most hilariously withering facial expressions known to man. Whether you’re about to start a fight at a funeral or filming an informercial on your recent kidnapee’s cell phone right before you turn yourself in to the cops, the Morgans will not attempt to compose their faces into expressions of polite interest or even mild distaste.

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Mary Worth, 11/5/23

Wow, I guess all it takes is a little rejection from from his hitherto unknown daughter and long-ago ex girlfriend to get Keith to start spilling his guts to Mary, even though mere days ago he deemed her a busybody and tried his hardest to avoid her. Now, Mary is a lady who has repeatedly told women that they should work harder to maintain a relationship with Wilbur Weston, so I guess her advice to Keith to keep fighting isn’t surprising. I do question her tactics here, though. She doesn’t know anything about Keith’s service record. What if in one battle, after being pushed back by enemy forces, his unit had advanced again, only to be repulsed due to a lack of sufficient air support, with all his comrades in arms dying and leaving him with emotional wounds that will never heal? Or what if, despite the immediate success of the individual missions he participated in, Keith came to view the larger conflict as a misguided one, a waste of lives and ammunition for an unworthy cause? Why, he might not work his hardest to force his way into fatherhood at all, and that’s wholly unacceptable!

Hagar the Horrible, 11/5/23

Speaking of spilling your guts, I know the phrase is derived from vomiting, but I always think it has the implied hint of disembowelment, and that’s definitely where my mind would go if I were drawing a comic strip that hinges on the phrase where a guy is about to get brutalized by a bunch of axe-wielding Vikings.

Family Circus, 11/5/23

“As for the likeness of its faces, it had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and it had the face of an ox on the left side; and it also had the face of an eagle. And its appearance and its work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel. As for its rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and its rings were full of eyes round about them. It really freaked me out, can I sleep with you tonight?”

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Six Chix, 11/4/23

I love that these guys only reveal this wisdom back at home, probably hours later, when the other couple is well out of earshot. Figure it out yourself, losers! We’re not giving out marital advice for free!

Family Circus, 11/4/23

Say what you will about the Family Circus, but you gotta give respect where it’s due: this is by far the funniest way a child could describe a dead person.

Mary Worth, 11/4/23