Archive: Crankshaft

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Crankshaft, 7/15/16

The punchline to today’s strip, in which Crankshaft responds to an church volunteer’s innocent attempt to play-act as a carnival barker by pointing out life’s essentially random cruelty, is par for the Funkyverse course, so instead I’d like to point out that our hero is just straight-up covered with filth here. This is actually some admirable continuity from earlier this week, where the jokes were about how Crankshaft is incapable of eating fair food without soiling himself, but it gives a nice touch to today’s strip, where it looks like he’s wandered out of a scene of unspeakable carnage. He gets to lay down this truth bomb on poor straw-hat-boater guy because he’s seen some shit, man.

The Lockhorns, 7/15/16

I guess Leroy’s supposed to have a black eye here, indicating that once again a potentially pleasant evening has ended with him getting punched in the face? But all I can see is the eye makeup that Alex wore in A Clockwork Orange, so I’m assuming that the argument was over whether it’s socially acceptable to cosplay as literary characters when you go over to someone else’s house for drinks.

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Crankshaft, 7/10/16

“So here’s a pun that would be unbearably bad if we delivered it in a two or three panel daily strip. But what if … stay with me here … what if we ran it on Sunday, and stretched it out over six panels?”

Dennis the Menace, 7/10/16

My friend, if you don’t find it menacing when a child refuses an apple, then says “How about Adam an’ Eve … you know, original sin?”, and then walks out of the room, eating the apple, then you don’t know what menace is.

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Crankshaft, 7/3/16

There are two punchlines in this strip: “Crankshaft ham-handedly flirts with the pharmacist,” and “Crankshaft takes out his anger with the American medical system on the pharmacist,” and neither of them are funny. A pharmacy called “Drug Lords” is funny, though. At least to me. I’m a man of simple tastes, guys.

Hi and Lois, 7/3/16

Here’s the story of a man trying, and failing, to impress his family. If his frozen smile in the last panel doesn’t break your heart, I’m not sure what will. Enjoy your holiday weekend, everybody!