Archive: Dennis the Menace

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Dick Tracy, 7/7/23

Would you say that Madsen here has anime hair? I’m not an anime expert, or “otaku”, but that’s my take on what he’s got going on, anyway. I guess when you’ve been doing a strip about deformed criminals for 92 years, you’re going to land on anime hair eventually.

Dennis the Menace, 7/7/23

Not sure I’m really buying the characterizations here. Margaret’s whole thing is that she has dreams of gaining status by becoming some kind of educated professional, not that she wants to be admired in a glamorous Hollywood setting. Dennis seems somewhat more likely to imagine himself as a legendary Middle Eastern thief-prince, I guess, but not by much.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 7/7/23

Oh, man those expressions in panel three are not something you want to see on the face of your health care providers, because they mean that you will absolutely need to apologize for being a reckless dumbass before anyone takes steps to stop you from bleeding out through your wrist-stump.

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Dennis the Menace, 7/2/23

We don’t talk very much about what a truly sad place Mr. Wilson has been brought to by the unending irritations and indignities delivered upon him by his young neighbor. He’s lost not just the peace and quiet he deserves in his old age but his very sense of pride in his country. What can the hollow promises of liberty from our founding fathers mean if an honest man like George Wilson, who served Ben Franklin’s Postal Service his whole life, can’t avoid Dennis Mitchell and his shenanigans? Forget the freedoms encoded in the Bill of Rights; the only thing that can bring Mr. Wilson joy this weekend is unexpected Freedom from Dennis.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 7/2/23

Two teens looking at each other with glints in their eye, talking about maybe checking out one last wild high school party before they enter adulthood, but then the action smash cuts to a child squinting at a cell phone in disappointment because she didn’t know what a “graduation” actually was? That’s the Rex Morgan, M.D., magic, everybody!

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Six Chix, 6/29/23

The verb scoff, dictionaries will tell you, means to speak derisively about someone or something, or treat them with scorn, and that’s how I’ve used it pretty much my whole adult life. But recently I began to have a panicked feeling that I’ve been wrong, because in closed captioning for most movies or TV shows, the word is often put in brackets to indicate that a character is making a dismissive little noise like “tcha” or thereabouts. Was the noise scoffing, and I had incorrectly extended it to metaphorically describe the attitude that the noise conveyed? I had not, but was primed to worry about this because it would be the opposite trajectory of a habit I had in my youth, when I read Peanuts anthologies obsessively and correctly understood from them that “sigh” was an expression of melancholy, but didn’t understand that in those strips it was standing in for a nonverbal sound so I just went around saying the word “sigh” aloud when I was sad or wistful. No adult ever corrected me on this, presumably because it was very, very funny. Anyway, that’s what I always think about when I see the word “sigh” in a comic or indeed anywhere else. I have no idea what today’s Six Chix is getting at.

Dennis the Menace, 6/29/23

I absolutely love the look on this lady’s face. She just met Dennis and has already determined that she has zero time for his shit. Honestly, more people should take this attitude towards him, it might improve his behavior considerably.