Archive: Dennis the Menace

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Rex Morgan, M.D., 2/26/23

This whole Truck-Wanda thing has been slow-burning in Rex Morgan for months now, but somehow it’s only now occurring to me that this is in fact the strip’s second “courtly older gent finds romance with a gal who owns a diner” plot. One is fine, but two is indicative of the sort of sick fetish that I don’t care to see played out on the funny pages where children can see it.

Dennis the Menace, 2/26/23

We make fun of Dennis losing his edge, but Mrs. Wilson is actively seeking out some menacing. She needs someone who’s willing to say “These cookies suck ass, old woman; you’re losing your touch,” because she needs to know if she is, in fact, losing her touch.

Family Circus, 2/26/23

“Almost as if a large, spherical object is being repeatedly bashed against the wall! Welp, guess we should continue to not investigate this and hope for the best [winks]”

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Hi and Lois, 2/24/23

Welp, I guess we all knew this day — the day when Dot and Ditto from Hi and Lois stand in the middle of the street staring at a relatively realistically drawn mangled squirrel corpse, making terrible puns with vaguely philosophical expressions on their faces — was coming, eventually. We knew we’d be looking at some poor little rodent with cartoonish Xs for eyes and a tire tread across its smashed gut, and wondering how we got here. But I at least thought we had more time to prepare.

Dennis the Menace, 2/24/23

Ha ha, it’s funny because the Wilsons are some of the last bio-humans left alive after some kind of cybernetic uprising! For some reason, these AI intelligences have chosen not to eliminate George and Martha, but instead pester them to death with irritating fees, possibly because Dennis himself designed their algorithms to create Mr. Wilson’s personal living hell, achieving maximum menace even at the expense of his own life.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 2/24/23

“And you can’t even begin to imagine the depths of her contempt for me!”

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Dustin, 2/18/23

Look, I’m glad that Dustin’s dad being all “the women all use yoga as an excuse to dress like WHORES now and it makes me AROUSED” is the setup to this joke and not the punchline, but … we should see the shoes as part of said punchline, right? Like, we saw a lovingly drawn athleisurèd ass in panel one, so we should see Dustin’s dad’s bright white New Balances in panel two. It almost feels like the artist couldn’t figure out how to frame it properly, then decided, “Enh, whatever, it’s not like this is a visual medium or anything.”

Dennis the Menace, 2/18/23

“Aw, isn’t that sweet,” you’re probably thinking, like a fool. “Dennis cares about the snowman!” Hardly. Dennis created the snowman. He placed every piece of coal on its face, lovingly crafting the grimace it uses to indicate its discomfort. Dennis is the cruel demiurge that summoned the snowman’s soul out of the aether and entrapped it in a physical form that can know only pain.