Archive: Funky Winkerbean

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Funky Winkerbean, 7/5/20

“And that he was extremely forgetful! Everyone talks about freeing the slaves, and winning the Civil War, but they’re all too ‘politically correct’ to talk about the forgetfulness! This comic book is gonna dispense with polite fictions and get to the truth.

Judge Parker, 7/5/20

Good news, everyone! The entire cast of Judge Parker is gonna die, finally!

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Blondie, 7/1/20

Today is a day when we get a particularly good look at Dagwood’s flesh-turtlenecky, which is a thing I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about over the years, like wondering if Dagwood has skinned another human being and turned their flesh into a ritual garment, or if this is a Portrait of Dorian Gray situation except instead of a painting aging it’s Dagwood’s torso that becomes increasingly wrinkled and leathery while his face and arms remain smooth and youthful. Anyway, the whole conversation in today’s strip seems really unlikely — why wouldn’t Dagwood say the actual name of the sportscaster he supposedly resembles, for one thing — and it seems more realistic to me to imagine that what’s really bothering him is that someone asked him “Hey, what’s up with your fuckin’ neck, man?”

Funky Winkerbean, 7/1/20

“Also, I’m not really retired! I mean, people say I am but I keep showing up to work so I must not be? So I don’t think I’m the right guy to answer this question for you.”

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Funky Winkerbean, 6/26/20

The thing about Les Moore is that at any given moment he’s always going to be a dick to someone, but you can never quite be sure who.

Mark Trail, 6/26/20

“He’s my only friend!”

Mary Worth, 6/26/20

Hell yeah Greta fuck her shit up