Archive: Funky Winkerbean

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Funky Winkerbean, 10/7/19

I was going to poke fun here but, you know what? This strip? With a group of somber people at a funeral? And then one of them tries their hand at comic book-themed joke? And they completely botch it, because the line “with great power comes great responsibility” puts the responsibility on the person with the power, so I think Cindy wants to be saying that Bull was so popular that everyone’s coming back for his funeral, but in fact she’s saying that she’s so popular that it was her responsibility to grace this funeral with her beloved presence? And then there’s a smash cut to the obituary? It’s perfect. It’s a perfect Funky Winkerbean. How could you improve on it? You can’t. There’s literally no way.

Mary Worth, 10/7/19

So on last week’s date Wilbur did just want to watch Netflix and relax, and what he wanted to watch was a documentary about boxing and Estelle didn’t care for it but also didn’t speak up and they watched it and … now she doesn’t know about Wilbur? I’m not sure I really buy into this logic, but I also think dating Wilbur is a terrible idea and nobody should do it, so I’m not going to complain. Go to it, Estelle! Let the dumping commence!

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Funky Winkerbean, 10/6/19

Oh, ha ha, the thing he was wearing: his football helmet! His football helmet, which this highway patrolman yanked off his corpse to present to his widow. Do you think there’s some blood and brains and stuff inside there? Probably at least a little, right?

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 10/6/19

I guess I’m kind of surprised that a newspaper comic did a strip about how undeveloped rural communities often turn to unsustainable extractive industries for short-term economic survival because they don’t have the luxury to consider the long-term consequences. But now that one’s here, I’m not at all surprised it’s a Snuffy Smith.

Judge Parker, 10/6/19

Were you worried that Marie’s new gig with the Spencer-Drivers wouldn’t entail a bunch of emotional labor? Well, good news!

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Funky Winkerbean, 10/3/19

Hello, Funky Winkerbean readers! Have you or a loved one been affected by CTE-related dementia, and have been hoping to gain some solace from a series of strips tackling the condition? Well, definitely don’t look up what “DRT” means if you’re wondering what a hardened, cynical police officer might say when approaching the scene of the tragedy that will forever define the remainder of your life! The rest of us can have fun trying to guess what surprising thing Bull was wearing (I’m sure it’s supposed to be a seatbelt, and the reason this is surprising will be explored soon, but I’m hoping it’s a t-shirt that says “I dedicated my life to entertaining others by playing and coaching a hard-hitting contact sport and all I got was this lousy degenerative brain condition.”)

Marvin, 10/3/19

Not sure even I would’ve predicted that a comic strip might be printed in newspapers where the punchline was “If you’d really like to ‘rough it,’ [something about a character’s anus],” but now than it’s here, it’s absolutely no surprise at all that it’s Marvin.