Archive: Gasoline Alley

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Gil Thorp, 2/27/24

Under new writer Henry Barajas, Gil Thorp has introduced a more diverse cast, kept old characters around, and even rescued Gil’s children from whatever “Phantom Zone”-style limbo-dimension prison they had been exiled to. But are we ready to meet [record scratch] Gil’s brother? He’s got the Thorp chin, a normal haircut, and a kicky scarf, and he can effortlessly carry three coffees at once. He seems awesome! Watch out, Gil, there’s a new Thorp in town!!!!

Blondie, 2/27/24

It’s never exactly clear where the Bumsteads live, but I assume that the community is dominated by Mr. Dithers and his business cronies, leading to a deeply labor-hostile local media. That’s the only explanation for what we see in the first panel, where the news broadcast has eschewed the usual B-roll of people walking the picket line for this strike story in favor of just a close up on a human foot.

Gasoline Alley, 2/27/24

There probably aren’t a ton of upsides to being a 145-year-old cartoon character whose pleas for death fall on the unhearing ears of your cruel Creator, but at least your unnaturally addled brain can’t retain anything for too long. Can’t stay mad about things you can’t change if you don’t know what they are!

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Pluggers and Gasoline Alley, 2/25/24

Old people! Do you enjoy the Sunday comics as one of your last pleasures in life? Well, the whimsical “funny pages” are here to remind you that as you age, you will be beset with endless aches and pains, so much so that you will begin to believe that even in your life on Earth, you are experiencing a taste of what the damned go through in Hell. But still, one must cling to this life, imperfect as it is, as it could be swept away from us at any moment and then — nothingness, no more pain but also no more frosting. Something to think about!

Daddy Daze, 2/25/24

And don’t get too smug, young people! The time when your young body begins to fall apart is coming! And sooner than you think.

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Gasoline Alley, 2/23/24

In 1918, when this strip began, most American cities, even small ones, had electric streetcar networks. These were only beginning to be displaced by the increasingly popular personal automobile, which hobbyists tinkered with in areas dubbed things like “Gasoline Alley.” I think it would be a fitting end to the strip if they put a light rail line down the middle of the town and it magically allowed Walt to finally, blessedly die, or maybe just non-magically ran him over.

Gil Thorp, 2/23/24

Say, how’s Gil’s divorce going? It’s going “the kids are eating as fast as humanly possible so they can leave when their mom picks them up,” you say? Interesting, interesting.

Family Circus, 2/23/24

Billy, I just want to say that it’s very sad that you consider school to be your “personal life.” You aren’t even very good at it!