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Mark Trail, 10/22/11

WELL I GUESS WE ALL FEEL KIND OF SILLY NOW, don’t we? Yes, Mountie and Mother McQueen aren’t just living in paranoid fear that someone will stumble upon their bible banding operation; they’re living in paranoid fear that someone will stumble upon their Eden-like valley, where they’ve convinced all the animals to live in harmony with one another (if by “all the animals” we mean ducks, moose, and beaver), using some combination of divine favor, perverted science, and devil magic. Obviously the bible bands are some key part of the mysterious process by which this miraculous scene was created, with the possibility that the geese would bring visitors to see the Canadian Neo-Eden being only a harmful side effect, not the actual purpose of the banding. Anyway, with this shockingly insane revelation, this storyline has just gone from “enh” to “wow,” and will shoot all the way up to “holy moly” if Mark ends up punching someone in the face.

The bright green water in this scene indicates that algae may also be among the organisms forced into pan-biological harmony by the McQueens’ eerie witchery.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 10/22/11

I’m glad to see that Hootin’ Holler’s grinding poverty will now be the source of this strip’s humor, rather than just its unsettling background. Today, we learn that the Smifs are too poor to afford cheese, ha ha!

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Hey all, some very quick CsOTW for you — there will be some bird band photos coming later this weekend, I promise! But first, your week’s top comment:

“What I want to know is how Mary Worth is going to top itself at being both completely ludicrous and thuddingly boring?” –commodorejohn

And the runners up! Very funny!

“ANSWER: Slylock obviously arrests both of them for being amphibians in a duck neighborhood. Can’t let the greenies ‘frighten the ducklings’, you know.” –Chyron HR

“Why is our crimefighting friend breaking up a schoolyard fight when in the background Larry Loon is murdering and devouring Freddy Fish? Have you no sense of proportion, Sir!!!” –Dennis Jimenez

“OK, so the unromantic types around here want Bobby to lower the boom on poor Gina, but remember, as of yesterday, he’s not letting her go! I assume that means he loves her and not that he’s planning to hold her in the hotel for the mob.” –Comcis Fan

“Don’t expect Miss Buxley to relate, Gimmick-character-from-the-early-90’s. Big tits are never obsolete.” –Doctor Handsome

“Isn’t Ann worthy of our compassion rather than our scorn? She’s so in thrall to her crippling sexual addiction that she’s reduced to sexually harassing a DeGroot. Underneath that gruff facade and pitch-black hair-helmet is a damaged child so lost that she doesn’t understand it’s hilariously apt that she works at ‘Weenie World.'” –Dr. Moreau

Thanks to all who put some cash into my tip jar! And this is where we’d thank our advertisers — if we had any this week. To find out more about how you could be thanked in this spot, and more about sponsoring this site’s RSS feed, click here.

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Judge Parker, 10/21/11

In Judge Parker, teenage boobs are facing off against other teenage boobs!

Luann, 10/21/11

In Luann, Brad is being sexually harassed by boobs, and by unsettlingly shaped hair!

Pluggers, 10/21/11

Fortunately, Pluggers is pretty much without boobs. But not without intrigue! Sure, Mr. Bear-Man, you’re drunk-dialing that dude form junior high who you “experimented” with and haven’t spoken to since just to “use up your remaining minutes,” whatever.