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Pluggers and Gasoline Alley, 2/25/24

Old people! Do you enjoy the Sunday comics as one of your last pleasures in life? Well, the whimsical “funny pages” are here to remind you that as you age, you will be beset with endless aches and pains, so much so that you will begin to believe that even in your life on Earth, you are experiencing a taste of what the damned go through in Hell. But still, one must cling to this life, imperfect as it is, as it could be swept away from us at any moment and then — nothingness, no more pain but also no more frosting. Something to think about!

Daddy Daze, 2/25/24

And don’t get too smug, young people! The time when your young body begins to fall apart is coming! And sooner than you think.

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Family Circus, 2/24/24

The Family Circus was originally drawn by Bil Keane, with the characters all being thinly veiled versions of him and his real family, and the Bil analogue character in the strip also worked as a cartoonist; the narrative layers only got more tangled when real-life Jeffy took over, making the occasional guest stints by “Billy, age 7” a true semiotic swamp: originally these panels were Bil pretending to be his son pretending to be him, and now they’re Jeff pretending to be his brother pretending to be their father. Anyway, here’s today panel, which features said father vividly writhing on the floor in agony!

Rex Morgan, M.D., 2/24/24

I guess it’s probably good that soap opera comics, a form of entertainment primarily enjoyed by the elderly and infirm, are increasingly targeting those readers with PSA-style messages about how they need to have a plan for the inevitable upcoming incident when they will have fallen and won’t be able get up, but in their shoes I personally would find it a little insulting. Dagnabbit, these older folks get plenty of bad news in the rest of the paper! When they turn to Rex Morgan, M.D., they want to see our heroes get a fat check or prance around in their underwear for a bit. They very much do not want to stare into the wizened face of their own mortality, in the form of Aunt Tildy and the “Count” here.

Mary Worth, 2/24/24

God I love this strip. Recent events have sent Keith into turmoil, but Mary? Mary is doing great. Thriving, even. Walking alone around the Charterstone grounds, serenely meditating on some of her favorite zero-content aphorisms. Truly living her best life.

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Woo! It’s the week’s top comment! Woo!

“Beasley, you imbecile. That’s not an award. The cup with ‘#1’ on it is given out to all the mail carriers, on account of they don’t give them time for bathroom breaks anymore.” –Handsome Harry Backstayge, Idol of a Million Other Women


“Holy hell, Keane, you got outsmarted by goddamned Jeffy. It’s time to finally step out to the store for the pack of cigarettes and start a new life in a new city under an assumed name, but you’ll probably screw that up because you got outsmarted by goddamned Jeffy.” –Tabby Lavalamp

“By the by, Gertie, once you’re done wigging out over cicadas in bananas, call the police! There’s a giant bug monster in the house!” –ectojazzmage

“I shared this strip with my 20-something children, and they asked to be removed from the will.” –taig

“I can see why strips about precocious children appeal to the newspaper comics’ aging demographic. Both the very young and the very old live in a hazy cultural sphere where they’re aware of the existence of things but aren’t entirely clear on what those things are.” –TheDiva

“Dagwood must be high as fuck on Scotchgard fumes if he made it all the way home without food stains on his beard.” –nescio

“Wait a damn minute — he left while Mary was mid-bake. You don’t want those muffins once they get cold, friend.” –Old School Allie Cat

“Get your guns and body armor. Call up your militia buddies. We’re going to war, because I’ll die before I live on ‘Renewable Energy Alley.’” –Voshkod

“There once was a former Marine/ Whose intelligence wasn’t so keen/ So to answer the question/ Due to steroid ingestion/ He has a non-functioning peen.” –astroboy

“Mailherb didn’t even deliver any mail today, junk or otherwise; he just wanted to show off. Still, at least he put in more effort than the artist art compiler, who could not be bothered to find (let alone draw) more appropriate hand-grip assets to go with that clip-art trophy.” –jroggs

“I like that this strip seems to imply that postal workers can just deliver junk mail to whoever they want, whenever they want. The next time I end up with a big fat wad of sushi menus and political pamphlets I’ll know its because I pissed someone off.” –pugfuggly

“So Snuffy Smiff met God and refused to pay $50 for a painting. God punished Snuffy by making his mouth vanish, depriving him of speaking such insights as ‘purty good thar, feller.’ Did God punish Snuffy for not buying the painting? For calling him ‘feller?’ For praising His divine work as only ‘purty good?’ For murdering the English language? Parsons might explain away this depraved diety every Sunday but it boils down to a simple fact: you can’t spell ‘Hootin’ Holler’ without ‘Hell’ — and that explains a lot of Snuffy’s and the town’s miserable existence.” –KMD

“On second look and seeing Plato, looks more like a failed attempt to get some of that sweet Bose noise cancelling headphone product placement money. [Hangs up landline] ‘That was Bose. It’s a hard no. Hmm, run it anyway.’” –Hibbleton

“‘Oh no, no, no! I’m not stupid enough to walk into this trap!’ Buddy, you knew what you were into when you signed up to appear in a Judge Parker strip as a short-lived villain. If you had developed a schtick with a pun-based stage name you could have been in Dick Tracy.” –Philip

“Beetle is practically a Bodhisattva. He has no interest in being conscious or having physical sensations like food for Sarge or music for Rocky or sex with Miss Buxley. His only desire is to sleep and let his ego dissolve with consciousness. Truly, he’s the epitome of enlightenment! Or clinical depression, whatever.” –Ettorre

Oh no, no, no! I’m not stupid enough to walk into this trap! If I walk through that door, I’m committing to at least a 10-minute interaction inside! Which in this strip will take six months or more to play out! Not for me! So long, suckers!” –cheech wizard

“Not to be a stickler, but it’s ‘Wooo!! Choo-choo!!’ when trying to get your kids to eat.” –Kevin on Earth

“Honestly love the idea of little Billy Keane trying to namedrop his family at school while the teacher groans at his shit. ‘Oh, I’m sorry ma’am, I was busy coming up with malapropisms for … [lowers sunglasses] The Family Circus.’ [teacher is already stamping an F on his paper]” –Dan

“Billy simply drew his panic attack! The huge numbers on the blackboard and the droplets of sweat are nice touches but the kids laughing at Billy’s incompetence are the strip’s tragic, crowning glory. It’s going to take more than a little art therapy to fix this kid.” –Victor Von

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