Archive: Barney Google & Snuffy Smith

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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 1/11/17

Haha, this is just a little game Loweezy and Elviney like to play with each other! In fact, ever since the widespread social and economic collapse several generations back that left Hootin’ Holler completely isolated from whatever other pockets of civilization might still survive, no tropical crops like “coffee” or “tea” have ever been seen by the locals. Elviney and Loweezy are drinking a barely palatable homebrew, made from bark and roots, just like they do every morning, giving it the whimsical names of the exotic beverages they only know about from tattered books.

Funky Winkerbean, 1/11/17

You know, they say that when you write a “continuity” strip, you have to work on the assumption that your readers only actually check in three or four days a week, which is why you get the repetition I routinely mock here. Today’s Funky Winkerbean really plays with that expectation; if you hadn’t seen yesterday’s strip, you’d assume from the first panel that Cliff Anger and his girlfriend had just finished up a vigorous and fully clothed lovemaking session after a long hiatus, only to discover in panel two that in fact they were just speaking extremely unnaturally about eating a meal in a restaurant. If you had seen yesterday’s strip, though, you’d assume they’d just finished up a vigorous and fully clothed lovemaking session at Los Angeles’s famous Brown Derby restaurant, an act that would’ve been frowned upon even in the club’s wild heyday. Panel two probably came as a great relief!

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Gil Thorp, 12/20/16

One of my very favorite things about Gil Thorp is that when Gil casually says that someone “might be our best center since Trey Davis,” “Trey Davis” isn’t just some random name-combo pulled out of a hat, but an actual character who really was a great center who appeared in the strip at one point. I had managed to purge the name from my memory, but thanks to the glory and pageantry of my advanced archives, I was able to track down his appearances, which took place literally more than a decade ago, and isn’t it funny how time inevitably advances and makes a mockery of all our hopes and dreams? Anyway, great a center as Trey Davis was, he never really seemed to have his own storyline: he was overshadowed in the looks department by Ted Pearse, and later was overshadowed in the plot department by the revelation that Ted Pearse was secretly homeless. Later that spring, even the frenzy surrounding his recruitment was overshadowed by Brent “Rap-Dog” Raptor’s hilariously overbearing mom. I guess we’ll never know if Trey eventually spurned basketball glory to join the army as I predicted, since I never mentioned his post-Milford fate. Will I be sifting through my archives sometime in October of 2027 looking for evidence of the collegiate career of Aaron Aargard? Maybe! If so, I’d just like to say: hi, future Josh! I think it’s extremely cool that you’re 53 and still writing a blog about comics on the Internet, or on whatever they’ve replaced the Internet with.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 12/20/16

Joke’s on you, Sheriff! Snuffy froze to death inside that snowman hours ago. The coal smile is at this point a cruel, cruel joke.

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Judge Parker, 11/23/16

Just so you know, Sam is going full-on Failure-To-Shave/Making-A-Bulletin-Board-Of-Clues Crazy over Sophie’s disappearance. And I assume the man he refuses to represent is Garrick Panini? Sam, Sam, Panini’s chock full of clues! This is your best chance to find out the truth! Pull apart his toasted outsides and look at the gooey, delicious information within, metaphorically!

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 11/23/16

Having failed to successfully bag a turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, Snuffy and Lukey are just going to rob the general store at gunpoint.

Blondie, 11/23/16

Wow, Dagwood’s doing a lot of projection here. I think we all know who does and does not have a crypto-sexual fixation on food in this family.

The Lockhorns, 11/23/16

I know this isn’t the sort of thing I usually say, but … maybe The Lockhorns should dial back the existential despair? Maybe just a little.

Mark Trail, 11/23/16

Guys, the island in Mark Trail is still just straight-up exploding! I guess if you need to put more stuff on your list of things to be thankful for, “non-stop explosions in Mark Trail” is a good one to add near the top.

Mary Worth, 11/23/16

Very excited to get a close-up on these guys we first saw yesterday. I think we can say it definitively now: this is Mary Worth’s idea of what young people look like.