Archive: Barney Google & Snuffy Smith

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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 1/30/16

Maybe if Hootin’ Holler’s lone clergyman weren’t a theological fraud, the town’s inhabitants would be a little more familiar with Genesis 9:11, where God promises that, among all the methods He has at His disposal for wiping out all life on Earth, mass flooding was the one He was specifically renouncing. Anyway, don’t worry, Snuffy, Parson Tuttle is probably just putting some personal touches on the nice yacht he was able to buy with all your community’s contributions.

Beetle Bailey, 1/30/15

I truly enjoy Sarge’s look of gentle bafflement and bemusement in panel two. “Wait, so this is a joke about how young people only know about cell phones? But we’re still wearing these uniforms? What the fuck year is it even supposed to be?”

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Judge Parker, 12/24/15

Judge Parker Senior looks very excited about the prospect of the ceremony at which he’ll receive his major literary award taking place at some kind of Illuminati sex temple!

Rex Morgan, M.D., 12/24/15

Ahhh, I do love a good Rex Morgan pissyface. “I was prepared to tolerate a Scottish nanny,” Rex is thinking, “but I’ll be damned if I allow my daughter to be educated by the Irish.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 12/24/15

Merry Christmas, everybody! Here’s hoping you live in a community where you have easy access to basic preventative medicine and shelter from the cold!

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My novel, The Enthusiast, is available for purchase! Check out the first chapter, then buy:

If you like this blog, I’m pretty sure you’re gonna like this book.

Gil Thorp, 12/19/15

The Gil Thorp football season plot has been a disappointment in a number of ways, and one of the disappointments has been that we were seemingly promised some Marty Moon action but he’s barely appeared at all. Still, I like the fact that the storyline both began and ended with him drinking alone and talking ruefully to nobody, because it helps me imagine that he’s doing that pretty much any time we don’t see him on-panel.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 12/19/15

Parson Tuttle may not know the bible very well, but he sure knows all the verses that would get him out of giving anybody any money.