Archive: Blondie

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Blondie, 11/17/17

Hey, guys, there’s less than a week left until Thanksgiving, so let’s really take a deep analytical dive into Dagwood’s nightmarish turkey fursona! What do you find most unsetting about it? For me, it’s the beak mask, which appears to include a built-in grill of “turkey teeth” in a permanent rictus grin that really drives home the bird-man’s nature as a nightmare chimera-thing, although I suppose that could just be a mouth slot so that Dagwood can feed himself without ever removing any part of his costume. But let’s not sleep on some of the other awful things here, like the fact that the costume’s gloves are designed to make his fingers look like feathers, implying that each of his wings might be covered with dozens of prehensile digits. And, of course, he’s topped the whole thing off with a pilgrim hat, letting the world know that on this, his most beloved holiday, he wants nothing more than to somehow become both the devourer and the devoured, simultaneously experiencing all aspects of this orgiastic rite of consumption.

Six Chix, 11/17/17

Anyway, after all that, the feeder-fetish fan service in today’s Six Chix seems positively wholesome!

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Blondie, 11/13/17

Ha ha, it’s funny because Dagwood’s favorite lunch spot is infested with vermin!

Family Circus, 11/13/17

Ha ha, it’s funny because “the cloud” is a term used for distributed data storage services and figures into traditional western iconography of heaven, and also because Dolly lives in constant fear of an all-knowing deity who sees and remembers every one of her forbidden thoughts and actions!

Six Chix, 11/13/17

Ha ha, it’s funny because these two have stumbled onto an incredibly ancient creature from a vanished world, and they’re trying to figure out how to eat it!

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 11/13/17

Ha ha, it’s funny because Snuffy and Barlow punched each other in the face!

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Marvin, 11/11/17

Welp, just when I think Marvin can’t veer any further past “ha ha, it’s funny when babies make poopy” into straight-up scat fetishism, we get today’s strip. See, it’s funny because Marvin eats food, just straight up masticates and swallows it, and then his digestive system does its thing, leaching out all the nutrients and leaving behind a disgusting slurry of solid waste, which he extrudes out his anus — and, because he isn’t potty trained, all this feces just goes into his diaper, where he sits in it, until one of his parents decides to change him. It’s the circle of life! This is the punchline of a joke that runs in literal newspapers across the country.

Blondie, 11/11/17

On the other hand, today’s Blondie contains a minor miracle: a panel in which an old person’s mistaken idea of what a younger person might look like says “no prob” that somehow doesn’t lead to the protagonist seething with incandescent rage about the RUDENESS and CASUAL MANNER of the KIDS TODAY