Archive: Family Circus

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Family Circus, 2/25/11

The Family Circus is such a target for snarky Internet contempt that picking on it is a cliché at this point, but I really don’t understand how things like this get cut out and hung on people’s refrigerators, unless your refrigerator is where you keep your birth control and you need a reminder of why it’s very important that you use it. “Mommy, guess how much children you have! Also, guess why ‘children’ is now a mass noun instead of a count noun! It’s because we’re one monstrous organism that slithered out of your womb in four separate parts, but now we’re going to merge together to fulfill the tasks our demon creator has set for us!”

Mother Goose and Grimm, 2/25/11

I know, I’m pretty much programmed to find this funny, but I found it funny. The best part for me is the two characters’ facial expressions — Mary looks alarmed and a little shell-shocked at being discovered, while Rex looks grimly determined. Both are extremely appropriate.

Mark Trail, 2/25/11

“There’s a man inside and he looks … oh my! So handsome, so sexy! I may not be able to resist him! Also, I think he might be dead? But that’s not important right now. Come here honey, help me drag him out of the boat.”

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Momma, 2/15/11

Wow, if you had asked me which nationally syndicated comic strip would be the first to reference recent political upheaval in the Middle East, Momma would not have even made my top ten. Mother Hobbes knows that there’s nothing that scatters a group of revolutionary troublemakers like a good snowfall. She longs for the day when a great cleansing snow comes for all of us, crushing political dissent and calls for freedom under an icy, silent blanket.

Mark Trail, 2/15/11

It appears that Mark has been shot directly in the head, and the bullet has struck with such force that it’s knocked a few hairs out of place. He’s really going to do some serious punching, once he shakes that off.

Family Circus, 2/15/11

Did you look at this comic and not immediately imagine a thought balloon emerging from Mommy Keane’s head that reads “Ahh, yes, my intra-Keane breeding project is proceeding apace!” Then you are a much better person than I, my friend.

Wizard of Id, 2/15/11

If one constructs a sexual partner out of pieces of disinterred corpses and then reanimates it using dark magic or forbidden science, does that count as necrophilia? Discuss.

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Family Circus, 2/12/11

Since I so commonly slam on the anonymous Photoshop jockeys who color in the comics with seemingly little care or sense, let me offer them some kudos today for correctly identifying the orange-suited Keane Kid in this panel as Jeffy and filling in his tiny bit of visible hair in the correct ginger color. Could they tell because that hair had a bit of a wave to it (in contrast with Billy’s straight blond hair), or because only Jeffy would be proudly announcing that he needs to be protected by a thick layer of cushioning to prevent him from busting into tears due physical contact with the world? While we will probably never know the answer, I do think we need to note before moving on that Jeffy and his companion are bundled up in their snowsuits despite the fact that there is no snow visible whatsoever.

Apartment 3-G, 2/12/11

“Damn it, I’m trying to woo Trey here, but why would he pay attention to me when she looks so ravishing in her bright orange Chairman Mao suit?”