Archive: Hagar the Horrible

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Gil Thorp, 2/5/21

“Oh hey! What’s going on in Gil Thorp?” is the question that’s on the mind of a number of people that’s probably literally in the single digits, but all of those people read this blog, so I will do my best to keep them in the loop! Well, it turns out that Corina has a beef with Tessi Milton because Tessi never plays defense, and also is a shallow cool popular girl who probably doesn’t even notice that Corina has a beef with her; also, like all shallow cool popular girls everywhere, Tessi is a whiz at social media and such, and by extension has good ideas for raising the girls’ basketball team’s profile, and one of those ideas is getting Vic Doucette and his wacky antics on the PA system for the girls’ team too. But this has set up a dilemma! Should Vic take on the extra duties and impress a pretty girl? Or should he spend more time with his real friends, his “go-tos”, who are so important to him that they haven’t been seen or mentioned in this entire storyline so far? Once we’ve settled this, we can talk about how root bear should not cause severe jaundice, no matter how much of it you drink.

Hagar the Horrible, 2/5/21

So Helga thinks Hamlet needs to learn about … having sex with plants? I don’t want to judge about this foreign culture, but I’m not so sure about this one.

Marvin, 2/5/21

Ha ha, ladies be shopping, amiright fellas? And fellas … fellas be eating! Ladies presumably gain access to the nutrients they need via some other process. Is it shopping, maybe? We have our best fella scientists working on this and will report back when we know more.

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Hagar the Horrible, 1/29/21

Here’s a fun fact for you: many names that we think of as stereotypically Russian are actually derived from Old Norse, because the first Russian state was founded by Vikings who quickly assimilated into the Slavic culture of the people they ruled but left their marks in a number of ways, including in the names of the nobility, which eventually filtered down to ordinary people. For instance, Igor is derived from Ingvar and Olga is derived from Helga. What I’m trying to say here is that “Olga” is just Helga’s “bad girl” personality, and that Hagar used to enjoy this spicy role play but lately has been getting less and less into it.

Mary Worth, 1/29/21

“I thought, ‘In Santa Royale I’m not going to fall over. I’ll be safe!’ But I was a fool, Saul, a fool! They have gravity everywhere — even in Santa Royale!”

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Pluggers, 12/7/20

So before this year, I was never really a coffee guy, and my wife had her coffee when she got to the office. But I decided as a New Year’s resolution to find out if it would be better for me, anxiety-wise and not-consuming-massive-amounts-of-artificial-sweetener-wise, to have one cup of coffee in the morning rather than chain-drinking cans of Coke Zero all day, and a couple months later due to COVID my wife’s office moved from an office building in Koreatown to our dining room table, so now we both make coffee here in the morning, and we have different tastes in coffee (I like a lighter roast!) so we actually have a little one-cup coffee maker and we each make our own. I bring this up because I’m fascinated by the fact that all of us in this world have our own way of doing little things like this, and that makes me look at this plugger’s situation with some curiosity. Do some people just make a big multi-cup pot of coffee in their house and everyone drinks it continuously until it runs out? How many coffee drinkers are in the average plugger household, anyway? How long does coffee last in a pot, really? How many times can you reheat coffee and have it still be drinkable? I guess my real question is: my first impression looking at this comic was that this plugger stumbled downstairs in his underwear, hungover, he has no idea what time it is, maybe it’s the middle of the afternoon, who even knows, and he’s like, “did I make this coffee yesterday? last night, when I was drunk? did my wife make it this morning? did my wife leave me yet? I’m gonna need some coffee to figure this out”, and I really want to believe that that’s a passably realistic interpretation, you know?

Hagar the Horrible, 12/7/20

You guys, I went to grad school with hopes of being an actual history professor because I used to have deep curiosity about historical questions. But today I read this and thought, “Huh, I wonder if Vikings actually had a taboo against cousin marriage” and I did a little Googling — like, very little Googling — like, just enough to find this explainer about Minnesota Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins’s wife and this Tumblr post from 2014 from someone claiming to be an archaeologist who said that Viking cousin marriage wouldn’t have necessarily been the norm but wouldn’t have been frowned upon by anyone either, and you know what? I decided that was good enough for me! Either my brain is atrophying or I’m maturing, or maybe those are the same thing.