Archive: Judge Parker

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Apartment 3-G, 7/30/15

I’ve said nothing but mean things about Apartment 3-G for months now, so I’ll offer some tentative, half-assed praise today: I think Lu Ann and Tommie’s outfits are bizarrely charming? I mean, the glory days of their dumb makeover is long in the past and we’re going to be stuck with “cardigans or maybe suit jackets over turtlenecks” for the foreseeable future, but I like the colors! The bright, bold colors! It’s like a cult uniform, but with pizzazz, you know?

Blondie, 7/30/15

Yes, maybe not everyone is that interested in seeing a man eat the same meal over and over again. It may seem extreme that anyone would invent time-travel and risk a temporal paradox inside his own digestive system to do this, but consider the alternatives.

Mary Worth, 7/30/15

Ian seems rather desperate to convince his widowed boss to move into Charterstone for reasons we can only guess at, and will apparently stop at nothing to make this happen. Will a three-way with Toby seal the deal? He’s got a solid couple hours to talk her into it!

Judge Parker, 7/30/15

Now, probably you’re thinking, “Oh, Sam and Abbey bought this RV for a song, probably they’re about to make yet more undeserved and unneeded cash on the deal!” But the truth is they’ve already profited handily from securitizing their interest in the vehicle and selling RV-backed tranches to overseas investors. Honestly it’s going to be something of a pain in the ass to wind all those deals up when they unload the actual physical asset.

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Funky Winkerbean, 7/28/15

Well, finally! Lisa Crawford (décédé Moore), Funky Winkerbean‘s axis, muse, and paragon — and the only remotely plausible justification for this tedious time-travel story — puts in her appearance, and her friends handle it with their usual grace.

Lisa became quite the saucy gamine in the runup to her miserable death, but this is Original Lisa — mousy, hunched over, and perpetually chilly despite her enormous shapeless cardigan. After all, the Funky Winkerbean audience can easily buy into a high-school locker time travel story, but a hot chick going for Les crosses a line.

Judge Parker, 7/28/15

Of course Dalton has something for Sam — because no Judge Parker story can end before the Bestowing of the Gifts.

Archie, 7/28/15

Say, is that Jughead’s Dad, Jones père? I don’t believe we’ve seen him before! Anyway, Mr. Jones is a dead-eyed drone who wants to crush his son’s youthful exuberance and joy in a beautiful summer day!

That’s it for me — Josh will be back tomorrow with the very latest in newspaper comics mockery. Thanks for a fun time!

— Uncle Lumpy

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The Phantom, 7/26/15

When we last saw Maurice, he was an unranked minion sleeping through his boss’s crash landing after a botched mission to kill the Phantom. You would expect such a terrible minion to be fired or at least killed, but co-branding agreements with a certain movie franchise have given minions everywhere second chances and promotions. Unfortunately, it hasn’t given Maurice sense enough to know which side of that door you want to be on when it closes.

The “Man who cannot die” has made a lot of enemies in his 479 years. There’s the Singh Brotherhood of Pirates, his Dad’s murderers, who date from before Bangalla moved from South Asia to Africa. And of course Chatu, the Wambesi terrorist who imprisoned Diana and now chills in tribal Supermax between Phantom beat-downs. Eric Sahara (The Nomad!) is subbing for Chatu during the latter’s sabbatical, but it doesn’t seem to be going well.

You know, daily Phantom is standing around spectating at Guran’s win-by-losing triumph in the Chief Derby, and Sunday Phantom is standing around spectating at the Nomad vs. Chatu gunathlon. Seems like the guy’s heart just isn’t in it anymore. Maybe it’s time to retire, let Heloise take her rightful place, and do color commentary.

Curtis, 7/26/15

Barry is an alternate-universe Curtis with the hero/tormentor and other roles subtly reversed. Here, Bizarro Derek and “Onion” deal out rough pool justice to history’s worst brother since Cain. And Ladies and Gentlemen, the hat is off!

Judge Parker, 7/26/15

Judge Parker seems hell-bent on making Neddy the sympathetic character because she was forced — forced — to turn down Mark’s proposal. And she feels terrible about it. What could that bastard have been thinking, to propose just like that for no reason at all!? And then leave in a huff. A goddamn HUFF the son of a bitch!!! Why do these terrible things keep happening to Neddy?

— Uncle Lumpy