Archive: Six Chix

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Six Chix, 6/11/19

Look, guys, this is Josh, your atheist Jewish pal here, telling you that Christian cultural signifiers are deeply embedded in American society but if you, personally, want to play with them in your art or narrative, it would help you to … understand them? Like, for instance, the phrase “born again” is almost exclusively associated with Evangelical Protestants, whereas the clerical uniform of all-black-plus-collar is primarily Roman Catholic, and while you might catch some high church Episcopalians in the same get-up, they won’t be the ones describing themselves as “born again,” trust me on this. Anyway, I’m so busy seething about this, that I’ve decided not to even bother trying to figure out what exactly this joke is supposed to mean! Just gonna skip right over it! Sorry, joke that appears to be about priest-fucking, I can’t be bothered!

Mary Worth, 6/11/19

YES, IT’S HAPPENING! How long do you think it’s going to take for them to figure out they live in the same condo complex? That they know Mary in common? That Mary has been subtly manipulating every aspect of their lives for years, forcing them both to hit emotional rock bottom, until they finally reached the point in their lives when they were ready to settle for one another?

Beetle Bailey, 6/11/19

Ha ha, it’s funny because Beetle is in the military and his mother is terrified he’ll be killed in combat!

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Mary Worth, 6/6/19

Estelle has yet another Silverdater prospect on the line and she says that the goal is not to carry on a long-running virtual relationship and then wire him ten grand, but to rather meet him in person and have a regular romance where no large sums of money are exchanged, but then also … they’re getting to the point where they’re singing on the phone? I feel like once you get to the singing on the phone part you should probably just meet in person. But you do you, Estelle! Just don’t send him any money! That’s the bad part of “doing you,” the way you do it!

Gil Thorp, 6/6/19

Ah, yes, just as in the world of George Orwell’s Animal Farm, our “Too Cool For School” clique’s move towards liberation merely created another hierarchy, with themselves at the top. Now they’ll be forced to esteem all passions absolutely equally, even though some of them are objectively much dorkier than other, just like in the world of Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron.” I guess the real lesson here is that no matter what these girls do, there will be some piece of canonical mid-20th century allegorical literature there to let them know they’re doing it wrong!

Six Chix, 6/6/19

Ha ha, it’s funny because if you drink too much wine, you’ll start to hate yourself! This has been a public service announcement from Six Chix.

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Family Circus, 5/17/19

God, I honestly love Big Daddy Keane’s whole deal here. He looks beaten down by life, his facial expression numb and his tie just a little loose and disheveled, and mostly what he wants to do is take that spoon he’s holding delicately in his big, meaty mitt and just go to town on that enormous bowl of chocolate pudding. Look at all that pudding! That’s like a soup bowl’s worth of pudding! And it’s his due, as the family breadwinner. Jeffy sticking his grubby face into his peripheral vision is just pissing him off. Let the man eat his pudding in peace, Jeffy.

Six Chix, 5/17/19

I also enjoy today’s Six Chix, because based on the dialogue you’d expect the speaker to be sort of heavy-lidded and languorous, just dully shoving cookie after cookie into her mouth and barely tasting them, but in fact she’s staring at a half-eaten cookie wide-eyed with anxiety, as if she can’t fully articulate what mania is causing her to keep eating them. Her boyfriend is asleep, or maybe dead.

Mark Trail, 5/17/19

“Boy, am I glad we found Skull Mountain!” is the sort of thing a guy says, ironically, right before he gets killed by a bunch of spooky, evil skeletons.