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Funky Winkerbean, 11/25/15

Hey, Pete and Darren, as a relatively new transplant to LA, I understand that the little things can be tough — things like figuring out your favorite places to eat. In a huge city like Los Angeles, you have the additional dilemma caused by a wide variety of choices, a marked contrast to your hometown, where literally the only places that serve food are Montoni’s and the Toxic Taco. Anyway, my personal favorite pizza place that I’ve found so far is DeSano in East Hollywood, although they don’t deliver; Hard Times Pizza, on Glendale Boulevard in Echo Park, does, and they’re great too, though you might not be able to get delivery from them if you live over towards the Westside. I’m sure there are a number of great options there, though! I’m sure there are a number of options that are infinitely better than terrible Montoni’s sadness-pizza that’s been put on dry ice and shipped across the country, come the fuck on.

Spider-Man, 11/25/15

I’m not gonna lie to you: this extremely low-stakes brawl in the UN General Assembly hall could go on for weeks as far as I’m concerned and I will love every minute of it. Did Namor just kind of … swipe in the general direction of those security guards in panel one? Did everyone just sort of forget to look up as the floating Atlantean Combat Platform drifted into the chambers? How did it get through the door, anyway? And why did a race that lives under the sea bother to developer technology that can make things float in midair? Anyway, I hope this whole sequence lasts long enough to not answer any of these questions but raise a lot more questions through endless additional hilariously dumb details.

Pluggers, 11/25/15

Do you think plugger-cat paid for this fantasy? I’m just imagining plugger-cat talking to some confused male escort he found on, and saying “Your ad says you’re up for anything.

Heathcliff, 11/25/15

You can tell by his blank, expressionless stare that the Garbage Ape is super not into this scene. “Remember when they used to cheer like this just because I was swinging garbage cans around?” he thinks. “When did I need to start getting topical all of the sudden? Why can’t they just love me for the garbage?”

B.C., 11/25/15

Ha ha, it’s funny because living as an adult makes you want to die!

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Gasoline Alley, 11/24/15

“The turkey — ’cause it’s had all its organs removed and replaced with bread crumbs! Gobble! Gobble! I’m a walking corpse! Gobble! Gobble!” [audience continues roaring with laughter]

Judge Parker, 11/24/15

I’ve never read the Fountainhead, but this is pretty much what I imagine all the sex scenes are like.

Archie, 11/24/15

Oh, do you think these Archie newspaper comics are just endlessly recycled reruns from the 1990s? Well, what about the dead-eyed teen girl in panel three with the current year on her shirt, huh? Checkmate, doubter!

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Hey guys! It’s been a few weeks since I’ve done any updating here about my novel, mostly because all the things I have to do to make the book happen are (finally!) out of my hands and now I’m waiting on other folks, not all of whom can give me specific information just yet. Here’s things as I am reasonably sure they stand now, but please note that all of this is SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

  • I’ve received the proof from the printer and signed off on it. The printer has said that the books should be printed and shipped by December 4th. This date is not set in stone, however!
  • Assuming the books are shipped by that date, I’ll send out surveys to backers as soon I hear that they’ve gone out. The books should arrive within a week at Make That Thing in Massachusetts. Backers who have replied to the surveys within that timeframe will have their books shipped out right away. Everyone will also get a link to download the ebook at that time. If you backed my Kickstarter but haven’t used that site in a while, please log in to make sure your email address on file there is current, because that’s how I’ll be communicating with you. (Don’t worry about your mailing address; the point of the survey is to get that info from you. But I need to have your email address to get you the survey!)
  • At the same time, Make That Thing will set up a storefront where those who haven’t backed the Kickstarter can buy the book, and we should be able to do about a week of sales that will ship in time for Christmas. So if you were planning on getting someone a copy of this book as a gift, keep planning on it! I’ll be doing a huge sales push on the blog when this is happens, obviously.
  • Backers who don’t get their surveys in on time will still get their books, of course, but not until after January 1.
  • Meanwhile, on the West Coast, I’m having a launch party for the book at the Los Angeles County Store in Silver Lake at 6 p.m. on December 15th!

    The printer is sending a limited number of copies via air delivery to Los Angeles, so even if the ship date slips a bit past the 4th, this party will still happen and you’ll be able to buy a book there. If you’d like to save time, you can even pre-order a hardcover or softcover in advance, to be picked up at the event. I’ll sign copies for everyone who comes; if you’re a Kickstarter backer, your copy probably won’t have arrived yet, but I’ll have some cool book plates (designed by cover artist Matt Lubchansky) that I’m happy to sign for you, and you can stick yours in your book when it arrives.

And that’s about the size of it! But it could all change! Due to circumstances beyond my control! Thanks so much for your patience; I’m having a bit of anxiety about the timing in regards to having a period where people can buy books for Christmas, but rest assured that backers will get their books and everyone else will be able to buy books very soon, if not before December 25th then not long after the first of the year.

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