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This is yet another reminder to Baltimore-regional folk that your have the unique opportunity to see hilarious live acts based on the Internet, the very Internet on which you’re reading this text! On this coming Sunday, February 16! In downtown Baltimore! Hosted by me, Comics Curmudgeon Josh Fruhlinger, plus Rifftrax’s Conor Lastowka! Hilarity includes:

  • Wikipedia movie pitch madness
  • Robotic status updates gone mad
  • Secret emails that only Hollywood insiders receive
  • WikiFur drama
  • Children arguing with adults
  • People who you don’t want to date even though they want to date you
  • Craigslist polymorphous perversity
  • Improvised riffing on ALL of the above
  • The glory and pageantry of CAT MASSAGE
  • Plus a [Citation Needed] giveaway, and also an opportunity for us to “give away” the book to you, in exchange for money, so it’s really more “selling” the book, but wouldn’t that be fun, and we’ll even sign it for you?

Anyway, you should come, here’s the Facebook event, etc.

And if you’re wondering, “How can I find out about Josh-related performances like this if I forget to check out the Comics Curmudgeon”: well, I don’t want to be all trendy, but you might want to follow Josh on the social media whosit of your choice:

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Blondie, 2/10/14

The Winter Olympics, in addition to being a stage where the greatest athletes compete at the highest level to achieve glory, is also a carefully managed corporate product with armies of lawyers. They are not to be joked about, OK? You can’t just publish in hundreds of newspapers a dumb joke about how the kids today like texting and wouldn’t it be funny if someone at the Olympics were texting while competing in their chosen event? No, that would be unthinkable. You can only have someone make that joke, then immediately acknowledge that it was just a joke, ha ha, obviously the Olympics has no such event, that would be degrading to the sport, please, tune in for primetime coverage on NBC!

Apartment 3-G, 2/10/14

Tommie’s fiancé has stopped by her apartment in New York on the way to the airport … from … England? Which makes no sense? Anyway, he’s missed his plane now, because they’re “drowsy from happiness,” which I’m assuming is some sort of code for sex that you’re allowed to use in the comics because it’s completely opaque. But now he’s missed his plane! And his head is bobbing suggestively! And he’s going to figure out that his fiancée is a crazy person who is keeping a baby deer in her New York City apartment! Everything about this whole scenario just screams “surrealistic dream narrative” to me, starting with “somebody agreed to marry Tommie.”

Herb and Jamaal, 2/10/14

Ho ho, these fellas are lost but they won’t stop and ask for directions? Men, amiright? In unrelated news, Herb has a malignant melanoma.

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Rex Morgan, M.D., 2/9/14

Oh hey, remember how Sarah Morgan, who is a child, got a lucrative book deal from a museum for her horsey drawings, but it came so easily to her that she was wracked with self-doubt? Well, just because she may be undergoing some internal self-reassessment doesn’t mean that it’s okay for the people paying her money for a book to assign her an God-damned professional editor to supervise the process just like they would for literally any other writer they publish, including adults who have already written multiple books. Just look at her face in that last panel! You’re dealing with Sarah Morgan, motherfuckers, and her lawyer is going to make sure you regret everything about this decision.

Beetle Bailey, 2/9/14

Speaking of regrets, I sure regret reading this comic, because now I can’t stop thinking about Otto the dog suddenly growing to full human size and asserting his right to bring lady dogs to the barracks, for sex.

Hi and Lois, 2/9/14

Ha ha, an adorable child in a comic is talking about “promoting my brand,” time to break all the computers and move to an island far away!