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Just a quick COTW this week, and then I’m taking a belated holiday weekend off. See y’all Monday! Here’s your top comment:

“Come on, Mary. Why look so scared? It’s beautiful when two people find real love. You should give it a chance. What? Why not give it a chance, Mary? Perhaps you should work on whatever problem is holding you back from love. What would Jung say, Mary?” –Comcis Fan

And the funny runners up!

“I thought calling Ziggy a loser was a statement of fact, not an insult. It’s like calling your physician ‘doctor.'” –TheDiva

“I’m inordinately worried about that cup of boiling-hot tea precariously perched on the arm of the couch in today’s Marvin. Actually, ‘worried’ might not be the right term. ‘Hopeful’ might be better.” –Patrick

“Ah! So this ludicrous ‘undercover fisherman’ storyline is just an excuse to have Bill Ellis pose in creepy ways for HR’s next sexual harassment PowerPoint.” –Doctor Handsome

“I guess I just don’t see why this Mark Trail strip has to be from Bill’s point of view anyhow, seeing as he’s just repeating everything Mark’s saying in the first place, sitcom-style. ‘Why yes, Mark, Kelly and her bizarrely Rusty-like face are here. What? Why yes, she IS wearing her modest fuchsia top and apparently masturbating right in front of me. How did you know?'” –els

“I can’t wait for Kelly Welly to get to the fishing hole for a week of bacchanalian debauchery with Mr. Trail. She’ll blow his cover and his mind.” –Dingo, the Essence of Purity and Virtue Incarnate™

“I .. I can’t tell how many eyes that moose has.” –whozitwhatzit

Big thanks to everyone who put cash in my tip jar! And we must of course give thanks to our advertisers:

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Mark Trail, 11/26/10

Oh, God, I knew that if I read long enough, this day would come eventually: the day when I started recognizing the repeats in Mark Trail. “Sexy” Kelly Welly lounging around in your slip and scheming on November 26, 2010, meet “sexy” Kelly Welly lounging around in her slip and scheming on June 23, 2006! I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about, mostly about how finding Mark is never that difficult — it’s seducing him that’s the real trick.

Beetle Bailey, 11/25/10

Oh, also, today is the day we all give thanks that nobody at Walker-Browne Amalgamated Humor Industries LLC is talented enough to draw human viscera.

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It’s Thanksgiving in the United States, everybody! What are you thankful for?

Mary Worth, 11/25/10

Are you thankful that some terrible combination of painkillers and terror hasn’t led you to make an ill-advised proposal of marriage to Mary Worth?

Dick Tracy, 11/25/10

Are you thankful that Dick Tracy is finally going to take on the killer whose name everyone knows — the police? (“My God, 911 is a joke!” Dick muses.)

Dennis the Menace, 11/25/10

Are you thankful that you’re not forced to drink glasses of gravy, like Dennis and Joey? I’m not. I’m sad that I’m not allowed to do so. Enjoy your gravy, everybody!