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Arctic Circle, 4/5/24

Arctic Circle is a comic strip about a bunch of penguins that live in the Arctic (YES I KNOW THAT’S WRONG, IT’S PART OF THE JOKE/LORE), and is mostly about environmental issues and environmental-issues-adjacent storylines. Like, they’ve been doing a week or so about feral pigs, which are … I guess we can say they’re environmental-issues-adjacent, right? Seems like more of a Mark Trail thing, to be honest, though even nu-look Mark Trail wouldn’t have the guts to do a storyline where a bunch of feral pigs became trapped in a restaurant kitchen and devoured the food supplies, the back-of-house staff, and, eventually, each other.

Mary Worth, 4/5/24

It is, I want to emphasize, not OK that Dawn leaving town to reunite with her estranged mother and also avoid her ex was not the starting point to her own wacky story line but rather just a plot device to do yet more “oh, boo hoo, Wilbur is isolated and alone” nonsense. That said, if Wilbur was rejected, one by one, as he asks the neighbors, acquaintances, and former sex partners that he considers his “friends” if they want to hang out, I think that would ease the sting a bit for me, actually.

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Gearhead Gertie, 4/4/24

I really enjoy the fact that about half of Gearhead Gertie strips are like “here’s a recent NASCAR story or controversy, spelled out in detail for idiots like me who don’t follow NASCAR,” and the other half of them are like “Gertie encounters someone who doesn’t sufficiently enjoy or respect NASCAR and that person just immediately goes to the top of her shit list, and she spends the rest of the week seething about it.”

Beetle Bailey, 4/4/24

My Great-Uncle Stan developed alopecia when he was in the Army, and family lore was that he got a big settlement from the military due to some hush-hush reasons involving some kind of experimental weapons program. I don’t know if that’s really true, but I remember him fondly as an extremely jovial guy who lived in a fun retirement community near Palm Springs that in retrospect was definitely the site of multiple swingers parties every night, so it’s nice to see him getting some representation in Beetle Bailey.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 4/4/24

Ha ha, yes, this honestly is good advice to give to a child growing up in a town full of notorious violent criminals!

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Blondie, 4/3/24

Everyone makes fun of young people for being addicted to social media, but the truth is that old people are also addicted to social media. Which is fine! It’s designed to be addictive! But it’s an underexplored cultural phenomenon and honestly I’m glad that Blondie offers insight into that world. Today’s strip makes the misstep of putting Dagwood’s teen son Alexander front and center, though. Look, I too am constantly annoyed by the “reels” that Instagram and Facebook put into my feed. But I’m a 49 year old man! The teens today are not on Facebook and barely on Instagram. They’re being annoyed by new irritating features on some other site and/or app entirely, probably TikTok but also maybe something I haven’t even heard of yet. And why should I have? Whatever it is, it’s quite frankly none of my business.

Daddy Daze, 4/3/24

Oh, wow, big news: we all suspected the Daddy Daze baby was going to kill the Daddy Daze daddy one of these days, and now it’s finally happening! Not sure I would’ve guessed that he was going to do an elaborate pseudo-legal ritual beforehand, but you know what, that tracks.

Beetle Bailey, 4/3/24

Sure, I make fun of how newspaper comics are hidebound and traditional all the time, but some traditions I like, and one of them is that Beetle Bailey should never, ever know what “horny” feels like. That’s General Halftrack’s job! C’mon now.