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You were all good, so now you get your delayed-by-one-day comment of the week!

“Mark Trail sounds like Keanu Reeves, without the emotion.” –ltrftp(not so first time)

And let’s not forget the runners up:

“My God, Lu Ann is actually, literally excited to watch paint dry.” –Yahtzee

“From now on, Funky Winkerbean is going to focus on the basics: No talking. No plots. Just smirking.” –Francis

“A porn of Gil Thorp would just bomb/ even if filmed for your palm/ You’d painfully watch/ through what might be the crotch/ of a one-legged stud going GLOM!” –lunarhalo

“Awww. Tommie gets kissed. In 2012, Tommie will get laid, thus fulfilling the ancient Mayan prophecy of the end of days for planet Earth.” –True Fable

“Anthony is so creepy looking. Here I thought it was the ‘stache; turns out, no, it’s his face.” –Groovymarlin

“Well, it looks like we’ll finally see what it looks like when Mary Worth dumps a boyfriend. Based on how everything else gets done in this comic strip, I’m guessing the best adjective to describe it will be ‘anticlimactic.'” –Trilobite

“Alternately, it could be that ‘Let me tell you something…’ is Mary Worth’s way of segueing into a grandly produced musical number which, knowing Mary as we do, would likely consist of a high-pitched, incapacitating shrieking noise and subsequent devouring of Dr. Jeff’s juicy ligaments. But with jazz hands!” –Tats

“Apparently, Mary et al. are sitting in the no-eye-contact section. Welcome to the Bum Boat! Try the As-burgers.” –SmartPeopleOnIce

“In an attempt to put himself into the unknown murderer’s mind, Mark uses his finger as a fake mustache.” –Wili

“Unless there was a very long pause between panels, the couple in the background apparently managed to travel about 20 feet in a span of a half-second. They’ve obviously overheard Dr. Jeff’s criticism, and they know the walls will soon be dripping with blood. It’s a reaction not unlike what you would see in a Wild West saloon just before a gunfight.” –Eric the Grate

“Dr. Jeff would be better off, and safer, back in the godforsaken jungle from whence he was plucked by Our Mary, winner of the Nobel Prize in Smugonomics.” –jvwalt

“I think it would be interesting for a strip like [Hi and Lois] to suddenly have its characters move, but instead of following them, stay in the same house and start following the adventures of the new, and presumably more fiscally responsible, family that moves in. The Flagstons can drop by occasionally to look around ‘for old times’ sake,’ surreptitiously sliding silverware and small electronics into their pockets as Trixie distracts them with her babyish squalling and her soiled baby clothes, both of which are all the disquieting now that she’s nearly forty.” –SecretMargo

“Luckily for Mary, she has at least 3,000 lavender pantsuits, so Chester eating one isn’t too big a deal.” –Citric

“I’m going with a major sedative. Abbey will wake up in a bathtub full of ice with a phone and a note on Monday. Will her organs be sold on the black market for transplant or sold in the farm store?” –Kaitlyn

“I had such a sheltered childhood. Believe it or not, I’m 24 years old and until this day I never knew the true meaning of April Fool’s Day. I thought it was some sort of practical-joking spree, but evidently it’s really the day when a seven-foot tall demonic snowman comes to your door, which you must slay by stabbing a well-waxed pair of skis through its frozen heart. I missed out on so much!” –Jordan

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Apartment 3-G, 12/10/07

I’m not sure what I would have expected Margo’s reaction to a simple, open-hearted gesture of human kindness to have been, but “recoiling in horror” seems about right. I do sort of wonder why she thinks running a chain of hair salons qualifies someone to plan a wedding, but she is desperate. And not a particularly good event planner. Maybe she just takes Ruby’s business prowess as evidence that she’s not a mouth-breathing submoron like her cousin Lu Ann.

Weighing against Ruby’s intelligence, of course, is the fact that she keeps calling Margo “Maggie”. At first I thought she just actually didn’t know A3G’s feistiest roommate’s name, but I’m beginning to think that she believes that “Maggie” is an acceptable nickname for anyone whose name starts with “M” and then has a “G” in there somewhere. (Note: It isn’t.)

Gil Thorp, 12/10/07

This little expedition in school spirit-based vandalism cannot end well. I’m going to bet that the current governor of whatever benighted state Milford is in ran on an “I’m even tougher on crime than the other guy who’s tough on crime” platform, resulting in a “two strikes and you’re out” rule on the state lawbooks. Thus, once Cully is caught red-handed in an act of senseless spirit rock desecration, he’ll be sent to the big house for 25 years. There, as he whiles the decades away lifting weights, only one thought will be on his mind: “MUST. KILL. ONE-LEGGED BILL. (OR WHOEVER THAT IT IS IN THE CAR. I’M PRETTY SURE IT’S BILL THOUGH.)” Somewhere in the year 2034, Bill Ritter will be leaping about on whatever advanced cybernetic limbs are available then, only to come face to face with Cully, hell-bent on revenge!

Momma, 12/10/07

“Hmm, I’ve been doing this strip for 37 years, and I’ve constantly harped on the fact that Momma is unnaturally jealous of her daughter-in-law. But how can I make this so vilely obvious that everyone gets a full sense of this feature’s Oedipal horror?”

They’ll Do It Every Time, 12/10/07

Our long good-bye to Al Scaduto begins today with this entry from “Samantha Gordano,” who is also faithful Comics Curmudgeon reader mako. “Of course I wrote in talking about [my husband’s] inability to find the trash can for juice containers,” she says, “but Mr. Scaduto must have known about his propensity for letting the dog clean it up as well.” She says she’d like to dedicate this strip to his honor. What I want to know is, does she want to vacuum his skull on the inside or the outside?

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Slylock Fox, 12/9/07

Oh, Cassandra! Your attempts to snare Slylock’s heart grow ever more transparent — and ever more pathetic. “Accidentally” leaving the heel of your shoe behind? Come on. Staring brightly ahead as you wear that prim little pastel outfit isn’t going to fool anyone.

Getting a lineup together in world shared by many kinds of sentient animal life isn’t easy, but the crew assembled by Officer Duck today is particularly motley. The two creatures of indeterminate species on either side of Cassandra look like they’re hoping that this will be their big chance to break into movies, or at least reality TV. If I were Slylock, I’d start looking into the background of the elephant lady at the far right — she looks guilty as hell, and presumably has got some kind of home counterfeiting business or meth lab set up back at her trailer. The pink-haired bunny, meanwhile, is way, way too stoned to care.

(If you wish Cassandra would “steal some files” from your “office”, you obviously need some Bob Weber Jr.-designed Cassandra Cat gear from the Comics Curmudgeon store!)

Crankshaft, 12/9/07

You might chalk this up as a garden-variety generation gap comic, but with young chinbeard and his sister watching their parents turn into their grandparents and worrying about turning into their parents in turn. But recall that the grandparents in question are rageaholic Crankshaft and the somehow even more loathsome Ukrainian hate machine. The kids probably thought that they’d at last be free once their grandparents kick off, but now are worried about enduring their post-transformation parents. Junior is right to look so terrified.

Family Circus, 12/9/07

Note the bit that I’ve highlighted. Billy is clearly in the “Anyone but Obama” camp for the 2008 elections.

Panels from Apartment 3-G, 12/9/07

Yeah, osmosis! Osmosis and time travel.

(Yes, I know there’s a neo-swing scene that’s alive and well today in New York and elsewhere — but the kids today out doing the Lindy Hop tend to be young hipsters like these. Tommie and Gary are soooo very much not hipsters; and I don’t care how old they’re supposed to be, I refuse to even qualify them as “young”.)

Panel from Shoe, 12/9/07

It’s not like I’m in love with the word “barmaid”, exactly; I just think “bartenderness” sounds kind of creepy. “Come on, baby, I’ve been lookin’ at you all night; show me a little bartenderness.”

Site meta-note: I’ve decided that I’m going to start doing the comment of the week/ad love posts on Monday instead of Sundays. I often don’t even get to Saturday’s comics until Sunday, and doing the Sunday strips takes me longer than usual because I can’t easily see them all at once on the Chronicle site, so often doing blog work eats up a good chunk of what oughtta be a weekend day of rest and relaxation! So, Trilobite’s comment gets an extra day of glory thanks to the shift.