Archive: Blondie

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Blondie, 11/15/22

I love this comic, which is quite clearly the product of a person who has never encountered protests or union organizing (here collapsed into a generic “picket”) outside seeing them briefly on cable news framed in a vaguely negative way, and has no idea why they happen or how they work. Yes, definitely people are recruited into the abstract idea of a picket, and only when they turn down the opportunity to participate as if they were a teen in an afterschool special who just said no to drugs are they wooed with information on what the picket is actually about. That explains the “A ‘Nappy’ Makes Me ‘Happy”’ lady, who apparently thought she was going to a protest for equal rights for diaper fetishists.

Hi and Lois, 11/15/12

It was a particularly rough day at the office — so rough that Mr. Foofram had to use the time-reversing technology from Christopher Nolan’s film Tenet to extract a few extra hours of work from Hi, meaning he’s coming home older than he should be. Lois has told him that he needs to complain to the Department of Labor about this, as Foofram isn’t paying him overtime, but he won’t stand up for himself!

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Gil Thorp, 11/5/22

“Thanks for doing this on such short notice, Gil.”

“Of course, Marjie. Actually it worked out great, because it turns out the football team is already here. I was wondering where those guys were! Ha ha! Hi guys! Anyway, we’ve got a stellar squad this year.”

“May I quote you on that, Coach Thorp?”

“What? And let these idiots see me saying nice things about them in the paper? Absolutely not, it’ll undermine my plans to psychologically brutalize them later on. You quote me as saying they suck ass. No, wait, eat ass, say they eat ass. Hold on, eating ass is good now, isn’t it? Go back to suck ass. Yeah, suck ass. Put ‘they suck ass’ in the newspaper. All part of my master plan.”

Blondie, 11/5/22

Hmm, so what I’m getting from this is that Alexander’s curfew is 2 a.m., which is pretty generous in my opinion! Also, if Dagwood really wanted to do this as a gotcha, which he seems quite eager to do, he probably should’ve done it in the spring.

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Gil Thorp, 11/3/22

The new Gil Thorp writer has definitely upped the strip’s confusion game, which used to be centered on two plots you couldn’t keep track and now involves … three? five? plots, can’t even keep track of how many plots, and one of those plots that we hadn’t heard from in a bit is “Gil is about to become extremely divorced.” I like the way that he beats Mimi to the punch divorce-wise while still putting the onus on her as the divorce-wanter. If he put half as much mindgame effort into his coaching, Milford football might be actually doing well this year! [NOTE: IS MILFORD DOING WELL THIS YEAR? HAVE INTERN LOOK INTO THIS] [NOTE: DO I HAVE AN INTERN? LOOK INTO THIS]

Blondie, 11/3/22

Oh, thank God, I thought shocking rumor was that Greg was Laura Palmer’s killer in Twin Peaks. I haven’t finished the show yet, so no spoilers, please.