Archive: Six Chix

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Six Chix, 1/20/17

Are you interested in making an Uber joke and a lawyer joke, but aren’t too familiar with terminology pertaining to either? Here are some handy tips:

  • Uber has a service called “Uber Pool” where you pay less but your driver will pick up and drop off other passengers en route. Might be good for a joke where you get more people than you expected!
  • The collective noun for a group of lawyers is a “firm,” not a “horde.” The idea of a horde of lawyers might be funny if that were your main joke and you weren’t trying to wedge it into an entirely unrelated joke about Uber.

I thank you for your time.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 1/20/17

I was about to complain about projecting human body dysmorphic self-loathing onto animals, but then I saw the hearts above that pig’s head in panel two and realized we had much bigger things to worry about here.

Mark Trail, 1/20/17


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Mary Worth, 12/21/16

Ha! While Iris frolics with her boy-toy, look what’s become of Wilbur: he’s now a rugged, international man of action, pecking out the latest installment of “I Shouldn’t Be Alive!” belowdecks on some unheated tramp steamer, with only his faithful table lamp to keep him company. Sure, Iris, Zak may be aware that women can and should have orgasms, but would he put on fingerless gloves so he could heroically continue typing a syndicated newspaper column even when it’s cold? I think not!

Beetle Bailey, 12/21/16

There some clues here about what’s really happening in this strip. The endless void in the background, the way General Halftrack is lying back in his chair with his eyes half-closed, the fact that Miss Buxley has strangely gotten larger between the two panels: he’s dying, and not a moment too soon! Is his final moments, his brain is indulging his sexual gigantism fetish, the better to send him off into the hereafter.

Mark Trail, 12/21/16

Hey, were you worried about whether that island in Mark Trail was still blowing up? Well, here’s an update: It’s still blowing up. Stay tuned for further important developments in this exploding island story.

Six Chix, 12/21/16

It’s almost Christmas and you know what that means: Lots of jokes about Santa being horny!

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Marvin, 12/16/16

This isn’t the sort of thing I usually advocate, but … if we sent this comic to the NRA, do you think it could get several thousand angry letters to the editor written that would end Marvin’s weaponized poop jokes, forever? Just spitballin’ here.

Funky Winkerbean, 12/16/16

You know, we make jokes about how Funky Winkerbean is just unrelentingly grim nonstop, but there are always new frontiers to explore! I mean, years ago one of Les’s student’s tried to kill herself because Les didn’t love her, but she managed to survive and experience the majesty of what adult life has to offer, including being sexually rejected by Les, again, and so we’ve never to my knowledge had an actually successful suicide in the strip. History in the making here, folks! History … in … the … making.

Six Chix, 12/16/16

It seems that snowman season is for some reason extremely traumatic for Friday Six Chik Benita Epstein. Please keep her in your thoughts during this difficult time.

Family Circus, 12/16/16