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Ready for your comment of the week? Ready? Ready???? Here it is!

“As an Xer, I find Joey’s Thom Browne-inspired skinny jeans and exposed ankles look unnerving and a bit gauche. On the other hand, I’m comforted by his classic low top Chuck’s and his ‘dude, let’s go’ posture. Menacing? No, he’s exuding self-confidence and risk taking while Dennis goes back to the socks + overalls well yet again.” –Bull City

And here are your funny runners up!

“How is a vision problem that bad corrected with contact lenses? There must be an audible squeak every time she blinks.” –pugfuggly

“Shoe could have suggested saving on overhead by mooching off a neighbor’s wi-fi, since that’s apparently what he’s doing. Unless he has some kind of treethernet.” –astroboy

“Wilbur walking back from the airport, wearing a sombrero, arms loaded with luggage, clumsily bumps into Dirk knocking him in front of a city bus is probably the only solution to this story line that doesn’t require real insight.” –Hibbleton

Shoe is written for the rapidly-dwindling audience that still considers the internet a fad. Once the last member of that audience finally, finally dies of extreme old age, Shoe will only continue for another 10 or 15 years. Meanwhile, Curtis will continue to comfort those who still consider rap music a fad. And Snuffy Smith will do so for … electricity, I guess? Do they have electricity?” –Joe Blevins

“[Attenborough voice] Sam now confronts Alan. The startled Judge responds instinctively, mirroring the posture of the aggressive younger male. With his dominance reinforced, the storyline can now return to its previously peaceful boring state.” –BarflyLS20

Let me tell you a story … ‘In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit’ … [twenty-seven hours later] ‘He drew a deep breath. Well, I’m back, he said.’ What? I thought a nerdgirl like you would appreciate a classic.” –Voshkod

“Look, Ketcham & Kompany, I appreciate the stab at verisimilitude, but honestly, you only needed to shadow the under-the-bed area. Because as it is now, it looks like only thing in this room that hasn’t pissed itself is your titular character, and while frankly I wouldn’t put it past Joey to just let ‘er rip wherever he happens to be standing, I don’t need to think that either a) the shoes, toy truck, etc. have evolved bladders or b) Joey made sure to hit everything in the room while Dennis was making up a reason to wear socks like the simp he is.” –els

“Dirk has learned to weaponize therapy speak to manipulate people even further. Mary will be stuck in a conundrum: Should game respect game, or is it right to feel jealous at a younger competitor?” –Philip

“You’re worried about the relationship between Bitsy and Marvin. Me? I’m worried about how the dog eats with those enormous molars. How does he even close his mouth?” –I’m Not Cthulhu, But I Play Him On TV

Here’s Exhibit A in my IP lawsuit against Hanna-Barbera, who owe me millions for Muttley.” –ValdVin

“Whatever that thing is, it’s in front of the trees, so I’d estimate its size as … Wait, am I trying to draw conclusions about Alice based on the laws of perspective? Never mind.” –Horace Broon

“She had selflessly left a kitchenware party to tend to my grievous wounds. ‘Just call me Angel of the Corning, she cooed.’” –Bob Tice

“‘I awoke in Heaven…’ Wait, this was when you had just committed crimes, before your redemption. You mean that you can go to Heaven, whatever your deeds? The Phantom runs on Calvinism!” –Ettorre

“The chin is weird, but I’m struck by the glum expressions all around. Did someone notice that there are six plates, but only five forks, and no napkins whatsoever?” –Charterstoned

“Do the Keane kids HAVE that many grandparents? Or did they just invite a nearby nursing home to party?” –MKay

“You think you’ve earned a little fourth-wall break, Curtis? Huh? You think you’re fuckin’ Bushmiller-era Nancy? Is that it?” –Dan

“Frankly I can’t think of a more apt dilemma for a Rex Morgan character than ‘I want to do something interesting, but it’s just so haaaaaaard!’” –TheDiva

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Family Circus, 1/17/25

OK, I know comics are, by their nature, cartoonish, and there isn’t always that much variety between faces so other characteristics are used as cues to ID characters, but when I first saw this panel I immediately thought that the lady behind Dolly has Ma Keane’s face and now I can’t shake it. It’s Ma Keane in a weird wig and a weirder fake chin! It’s like one of those movies where Tilda Swinton plays multiple characters (which also makes me think that Tilda Swinton could plausibly play Ma Keane, which would be terrifying and amazing).

Intelligent Life, 1/17/25

Damn, Dark Haired Intelligent Life Character Whose Name Is Not In The Dialogue Today And I Don’t Remember It And Refuse To Look It Up: your friend Mike sounds like he wants to do drugs with you, which frankly would be the coolest thing that ever happened in this dork-ass comic strip. And you suggest watching Doctor Who instead, like a damn nerd! I love Doctor Who and never do drugs myself and even I’m kind of embarrassed for you.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 1/17/25

God, I love the way Michelle is waggling her wedding ring at Summer in the first panel. “Oh, are you sad and lonely at home by yourself? Couldn’t be me! Check out the bling! Big spouse haver over here!”

Curtis, 1/17/25


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Beetle Bailey, 1/16/25

I actually am curious about the chain of thought that determined which secondary Beetle Bailey character got the punchline said at him in this strip. Personally, I would’ve gone with Plato — the camp intellectual would’ve been wryly amused at Beetle’s use of linguistic ambiguity to shirk a few hours of duty. But Killer is staring at him blankly and clearly doesn’t get it at all. “How is this going to help get anybody laid?” he thinks. “We’re not keeping our eyes on the prize here.”

The Phantom, 1/16/25

Just think: a mere 17 years ago, the very notion of women joining the Jungle Patrol was a source of near universal derision. But today, the feminine beauty of the Jungle Patrolwomen is legendary, so much so that criminal perverts like this guy arrange to be brutalized by the Phantom just so he can experience a touch of their healing fingertips. This is a triumph of, uh, feminism? Probably?

Crock, 1/16/25

Not sure why this guy is so intimidated by a rifle-toting yahoo back home. My dude, you are in the Foreign Legion and are posted in the colonies! You have definitely done some war crimes, probably today.