Archive: Family Circus

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Six Chix, 3/29/25

Look, man, everyone claims to love mermaids in theory, but a chimeric monster that’s half mammal, half fish was not meant to swim in the waters of our planet, and the only reason any seaside coffee hut should be catering to them on “National Mermaid Day” is as part of a sting operation allowing our military to capture one of these nightmarish cryptids and put our best scientists to work studying them so we can learn more about their weaknesses.

Pardon My Planet, 3/29/25

You know how sometimes you come up with a great gag for a cartoon, and then you draw the whole cartoon, but then you realize you’ve left a key visual signifier out of the cartoon so it doesn’t make sense, and it would be a big pain to redraw everything? Well, good news: you can just write the name of the thing you forgot to draw at the bottom of the panel and call it a “caption.” Nobody will stop you, or even care that much.

Family Circus, 3/29/25

“How do we know He won’t just spend it all on drugs? Why doesn’t He get a REAL JOB?”

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Blondie, 3/28/25

There is, as is often the case with Blondie, a Lot Going On Here, but let’s not sleep on the TV announcer appearing to react to Dagwood’s dismissal in the second panel. It’s as if they’re all too aware they exist only to be viewed by Dagwood, the center of this comic’s universe and the pivot point of its reality. “Please don’t change the channel! We’ll do a show that caters to your weirdo fetishes! I can’t go back to the void again! I can’t!”

Hagar the Horrible, 3/28/25

Honi’s romance with Lute is much frowned upon by her parents, generally playing on the trope of “Oh god our daughter is in love with an unsuccessful musician”, but today’s strip is I think the first I’ve seen that actually gets into what the lived experience of being in love with an unsuccessful musician is actually like. She goes to gigs with him at shitty clubs! She actually enjoys his music! She doesn’t get that nobody else does! He has to tell her stuff like “Uh, baby, the vibes were off”!

Family Circus, 3/28/25

Really enjoying the two Keane facial expressions here. Jeffy is wounded, obviously, but also kind of frozen and can’t quite articulate what exactly he’s feeling, while Ma Keane is like “Look, man, we all think this stuff, but we try not to say it, OK?”

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Family Circus, 3/27/25

I’m not entirely sure what this is even supposed to mean, but I guess it has to do with the fact that Big Daddy Keane can do math silently in his head. Can you imagine having thoughts that you don’t immediately blurt out loud, to the annoyance of everyone around you? Billy sure can’t!

Gearhead Gertie, 3/27/25

A lot of people complain when I post Gearhead Gertie strips. “How can you keep posting that strip that’s about nothing other than NASCAR?”, they ask me. Well, big news: today’s strip explores the divine cosmology of Gertie’s world. We learn that she exists not in a universe where a single remote and omnipotent deity is the sole creator, but rather one where a more accessible pagan pantheon manages the universe, and you can call them on the phone, to harass them about NASCAR.

Hi and Lois, 3/27/25

I’m enjoying visualizing what clearly happened between these panels: Thirsty announced that he was blowing off work to go to the game, and tried to convince his best friend and fellow baseball fan to join him, but Hi instead demurred and slunk off to the office like the coward he is.