Archive: Barney Google & Snuffy Smith

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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 10/8/04

Fellas, don’t let the ladies fool you when they talk about wanting men who are “sensitive”, “caring”, “literate”, or “not felons”. Since time immemorial, girls have always gone in for bad boys. No matter how nicely they dress, with their big fluffy pastel-colored bows and such, they’re inevitably hanging around places where bad boys go — bars, detention, prison — waiting to get their hands on some surly, untameable stallion.

It’s good to see that the teachers in Hootin’ Holler, untouched by the educational reforms that have swept over the U.S. since the end of the Hoover administration, are still publicly humiliating naughty children Cultural Revolution-style. Also, Whar Th’ Boys Are would be a great beach movie in which four hillbillies, or possibly four pirates, came to Ft. Lauderdale on spring break in search of a little action.

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Panels from Herb and Jamaal, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, Shoe, and Doonesbury, 9/10/04

One of the many things about Gary Trudeau that I like is that he’s admitted that, at least initially, he wasn’t very good at drawing. A lot of early Doonesburys consisted of one character sitting in front of the TV for four consecutive identical panels, and while there was a certain pop-art charm to this, I think most people would agree that his strip has improved leaps and bounds since then, especially after his extended early-1980s sabbatical.

Anyway, for me, one of the defining features of modern-era Doonesbury is the “shadow panel,” where the characters are rendered as white against a black background (or vice versa) for a single panel. This is a technique that has spread in one form or another to other comics as well (or maybe it was always there, though Doonesbury is where I noticed it first). It’s kind of arty, and like a lot of art, I don’t have a clue what it’s supposed to mean. I think it’s safe to say that it doesn’t represent a momentary shift in ambient light, or a massive nearby explosion. Sometimes, as in both Herb and Jamaal and Barney Google and Snuffy Smith today, it’s part of a shift in perspective, generally representing something too far away to render details. (Though I should point out that in Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, the shadowy characters are not, in fact, too far away to render details; in fact, with their white hands, they look alarmingly like Aunt Jemima figurines.) With the other two, though, we’re looking at the same scene from essentially the same angle, so it’s representing … what, exactly? Time passing? A change in scene? A desire to not draw the same damn details on the same characters for a third time in one day? Anyone who knows more about drawing comics than I do (and Lord knows there must be enough of you out there) should please edify us all.

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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 8/30/04

Here’s a fact that will give you a sense of how resistant the comics page is to change: Barney Google, one half Barney Google and Snuffy Smith’s titular duo, hasn’t been a regular character in the strip for more than 50 years. The strip was originally called Barney Google, and started in the roaring 1920s as the chronicles of the title character, a henpecked urban racing and boxing afficiando; in the 1930s, though, there was an American vogue for hillbilly humor, so Barney decamped to the North Carolina mountains and fell in with local rural layabout Snuffy Smith, who soon became the strip’s primary focus. Barney himself left sometime in the Eisenhower administration, but his name has remained.

Now, to me, the important aspect of this story is the fact that urban Americans have enjoyed making fun of hillbillies since at least the 1930s. It’s ever so much more comfortable being a culturally snobby elitist when you can claim to be the heir to a long history of culturally snobby elitism. (Anyone who tries to say that I can’t claim to be a culturally snobby elitist and still dedicate this much energy to comic strips can just leave now.)

Anyway, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith is one of those strips that seem to take place during some indeterminate time in the past, which makes it weird when the modern world — in the form of NASCAR, in today’s case — intrudes. (Yes, yes, I know, NASCAR has been around since the 1940s, but its popular omnipresence is a relatively recent phenomena.) It’s all the odder because Snuffy and his hirsute companion are listening on a classic Depression-era radio. Of course, just the idea of listening to auto racing on the radio would itself be inherently funny if there weren’t so many people doing it.

Today’s fun facts about Barney Google and Snuffy Smith all come from Don Markstein’s Toonpedia, which is a great comics resource. Among other things, it reveals that during World War II, Barney and Snuffy appeared in a combination propaganda film/comedy short called (I’m not making this up) Hillbilly Blitzkrieg. Where were the people who protested The Real Beverly Hillbillies when that happened, huh?