Archive: Dennis the Menace

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Dennis the Menace, 6/2/17

Kids tend to love the Peter Pan story in an uncomplicated way, but there’s definitely something more than a little sinister about a boy who spends eternity on the verge of adolescence. Just something to think about here, as we see a girl who may be starting to fancy Dennis a little bit broaching the subject of the changes that will someday be happening to their bodies, only to have him respond with some inane blather about accents. The sad thing is, as Dennis enters his 56th year of being 5 or 6, he’s got a much firmer grip on his own reality than Gina does.

Funky Winkerbean, 6/2/17

Ha ha, look at the principal’s face in panel one! That’s a man who did not ask about how Les’s new book was going and is not pleased that he’s being given information on the subject without his consent.

Rex Morgan, M.D., 6/2/17

You know the old saying, Niki: It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up that gets you angrily pointed at.

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Dennis the Menace, 5/28/17

If we’re going to cast Dennis as an Old Testament King, there are a lot of opportunities for menacing and I’m sad to see them being ignored. You know what makes you a true menace? When you see a naked lady on a roof and you get so horny for her that you seduce her and then when you get her pregnant you arrange to have her husband killed while he’s away fighting the war that you started, that’s what. We don’t even get to see him cut Mr. Wilson’s head off, for pete’s sake!

Crock, 5/28/17

In today’s Crock, an outpost of the brutal colonial regime is about to be overrun by freedom fighters, and so the French officers within need to destroy all their documentation, to erase evidence of their awful crimes against humanity.

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Dennis the Menace, 5/20/17

Ooh, look at that facial expression on Dennis: that’s the look of a kid who, against his better judgement and true sentiment, is about to agree with a bigger, meaner kid and mock his good pal Mr. Wilson for his low-tech ways. Dennis is about to become the most menacing things around: someone who, under social pressure from a bully, turns on one of his friends.

Pluggers, 5/20/17

Whoa there, this panel is veering dangerously towards questioning plugger orthodoxy on the Second Amendment, which among other things dictates that boxes of ammunition should be the easiest kinds of packages to open! Anyway, this plugger’s facial expression indicates that someone in the supply chain that produced this bag of chips is soon going to be tasting hot lead; unfortunately, it’s probably going to not be the packaging engineer who designed the bag but rather the poor sap at the gas station who sold it to him.

Family Circus, 5/20/17

As a rule, I assume all Family Circus panels consist of repurposed art from 1975 or earlier, and sometimes when the caption refers to contemporary pop culture or technology, I try to guess what the original was. In this case, I’m thinking it was “You hang that up right now, Jeffy! Phones don’t work in cars! This is the devil’s work, do you hear me? THE DEVIL’S WORK”