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Friday morning means COMMENT OF THE WEEK!

“I’m intrigued by Gil’s ‘Did I forget to…’ What rituals does he usually perform to ensure those ‘OK to Burn’ days on Bonfire day? What or who gets sacrificed? What does the Milford annual bonfire REALLY cost?” –Pak-Man

And wonderful, beautiful runners up!

“Not only did Mr. Dithers splurge on a 3D printer to create that figure, he also had to pay someone (or divert some underling’s time from ‘real work’) to paint it, and he had to pay for whatever sacrifice the local witch’s coven needed to put a human soul into the figure.” –taig

“Joke’s on you, chin man! All our family shits a lot.” –Ettorre

“I don’t think you can even set up an iPhone without a passcode or scanner ID. I guess after paying for Marvin-related cleaning supplies, all Jeff can afford is one of those ancient, barely functional Android phones you get when you buy 1,500 pay-as-you-go minutes on a home-shopping network. Luckily, purchasing multi-packs of toilet paper is one of the preset buttons!” –BigTed

“I was going to rant and rave about an alternate universe where baseball still commands the hearts of America’s children as it did in the 1950s — did Humphrey beat Nixon or did Ford beat Carter in this timeline? — but that colorful abomination in the second to last panel has eclipsed everything else. Is that a plane? A bird? A spaceship? I don’t know, but whatever it is is waiting for Hank — just like Dennis planned. Baseball is just a lure. Clearly Dennis has come up with an elaborate way of eradicating his father at 3 am.” –KMD

“‘Coo, what a mess!’ –me, trying to fit in at the pigeon orgy” –Brian Bergstrom, on Bluesky

“It’s been sixteen years since the iPhone launched, and still every Mary Worth character holds their phone like it’s the size and weight of a credit card and might explode if they aren’t careful.” –Schroduck

“So, the turtle finished last, presumably because he’s slow, and the bear finished first because he put a lot of effort into it. Somehow, this updated version of the Race of the Tortoise and the Hare is a lot less morally elucidating than when Aesop did it.” –Thelonious_Nick

“Pluggers need an entomologist to take care of their fleas.” –Schmeedle

Today’s Beetle Bailey is funny because we get to see the exact moment the Chaplain stops believing in God’s existence.” –nescio

“Jenny finally got tired of being married to a man with a nose larger than both her breasts combined and has left the Miller family following brutal divorce proceedings. In the end, Jeff received custody of his son and the dog, but alas, Jenny got the power cable for the alarm clock.” –jroggs

“Foot fetishists, Daddy Warbucks fetishists, recap fetishists — we’ve really got something for everyone today.” –I’m Not Cthulhu, But I Play Him On TV

“So this is the fabled ‘dog beach,’ huh? I’m underwhelmed. I count two (2) dogs, two (2) humans, and two (2) palm trees, and that’s it. This place should be lousy with dogs. I should be seeing Labs and Goldens, Corgis and Shepherds, Samoyeds and Bassets and Schipperkes and Pulik. (Look, I watched the Westminster Dog Show a lot when I was a kid, and if they felt the need to tell me, every year, that the plural of ‘Puli’ is ‘Pulik,’ then I’ve gotta be precious about it in a comment on a comics blog, I don’t make the rules.)” –els

“‘Wait, was that just one day?’ is the perfect tagline for Judge Parker.” –pugfuggly

“Gen-Zers today, who spend so much time on their phones they can hardly handle an in-person conversation, let alone the complexity of negotiating your way out of the international intrigue and murder plots that was all too common for those who grew up in the Cold War.” –Philip

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Judge Parker, 8/25/23

Look, Sophie, your parents might have accidentally kinda sorta agreed, under a certain amount of duress, to assassinate somebody, OK? So we’re going to need a lot more of the classic “I can dispassionately analyze data and am deeply interested in wars and the surreptitious ways states and state-like organizations enact violence to further their interests” Sophie and a lot less of this modern-day “Oh, boo hoo, I’m capable of forming emotional attachments and I worry about the people in my life” Sophie from here on in.

Beetle Bailey, 8/25/23

Big news! They’re finally sending Beetle into combat! It’s not going to go great, I think everyone pretty much knows in advance.

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Gil Thorp, 8/24/23

“Take it up with mother nature, coach! Ever since the Great Blight killed most of the trees, we can’t spare wood for frivolous purposes like ceremonial bonfires. And if scientists don’t figure out how to extract oxygen from the ocean soon, I think we’re all going to be too fatigued to engage in vigorous athletic activity anyway.”

Rex Morgan, M.D., 8/24/23

This is the moment when Wanda realizes that neither of these guys is on the verge of ordering anything and she definitely does not have to keep standing there.

Mary Worth, 8/24/23

Thanks for being the voice of moral clarity, Eve! It wasn’t right that Greta was dognapped, no matter what people say. Who’s saying that it was right? Well, I’m not sure, but I be we could start some rumors that seem plausible enough. Was it Toby? It was Toby, wasn’t it? She and Ian don’t seem like “dog people,” if you know what I mean (I mean they’re monsters).