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Twice a year, I try to raise some money for Josh and this blog from reader contributions. It’s completely voluntary, but a good way to keep the Comics Curmudgeon going as a more-than-amateur but definitely-not-corporate voice. Please help if you can!

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Piranha Club, 4/14/09

Mallard Fillmore meets Momma, and may God have mercy on us all.

Crankshaft, 4/14/09

Crankshaft is an Illiterate Moron meets Afterschool Special, and meh — what else is new?

Mark Trail, 4/14/09

Jack Elrod famously draws animals with far more care and detail than he does humans. So we can only assume that panel-three Rusty here has begun his horrifying transformation into Squirrel-Squirt, or Beaver-Boy, or some damn thing.

Funky Winkerbean, 4/14/09

Les “Ask Me About My Dead Wife” Moore utters those words every woman longs to hear, as his paramour’s rival wonders what scope she can afford for her Mauser SR-93. Oh, and good luck getting rid of those tickets on Stub Hub, honey.

— Uncle Lumpy

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Luann, 4/13/09

After a week of Gunther “Clueless Doofus” Berger and Luann “Woo Me!” DeGroot, we’re back at last to Brad “Clueless Doofus” DeGroot and Toni “Woo Me!” Daytona. This strip sure does know how to mix it up! You’ve got to admire how Brad slips in that a) this invitation is for breakfast only, so there will be no squicky sex going on, and b) TJ will be there, so the wall-to-wall squickiness will have nothing to do with sex.

Shoe, 4/13/09

Pluggers, lacking only the good taste, restraint, and simple human compassion.

Slylock Fox, 4/13/09

Ah, Casa Shrew, just as we’d imagined it. Looks like Sly will be rethinking this part-time gig as building inspector, as soon as he takes a moment to hurl.

And, in other news . . .

Garfield, 4/13/09

Hmm. Garfield minus Garfield, with Garfield. Not quite clear where this is headed.

Dick Tracy, 4/13/09

. . . and a big hand for new Dick Tracy artist Jim Brozman — just like the one he gave us in panel three there.

— Uncle Lumpy

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I’m just sitting in while Josh is away — no Comments of the Week on my watch. Good news for faithful reader SF_Reader, who can revel in a few extra days of pretend glory!

But I do want to heap praise on our faithful advertisers, without whom this blog would resort to transparent gimmicks like inserting high-value search terms in titles and posts. If you’re actually looking for information on cancer, you’ll want to check out Funky Winkerbean. But if you came here for cosmetic surgery bankruptcy mortgage refinance mobile phone june morgan naked low apr, you’ll just have to look elsewhere — we have standards, you know!

This week’s Ad Love goes out to Devil’s Garden, the new mystery novel from Ace Atkins. Based on the real-life trial of actor Fatty Arbuckle, Devil’s Garden features Roaring-20’s licentiousness, yellow journalism, systemic corruption, and world-weary cynicism: everything, in short, that makes life worth living.

Wait — something else makes life worth living: the generous contributions of faithful readers like you! So a heartfelt thank you to everybody who hit Josh’s Tip Jar this week.

— Uncle Lumpy

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