Archive: Shoe

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Shoe, 11/2/05

Hey, Shoe, FYI, Madame Butterfly was a character in a Puccini opera. She’s a fifteen-year-old Japanese girl who marries an American naval officer, is abandoned by him, and then kills herself due to shame. Her potential fortune-telling abilities are unexplored, though you’d think that she would have managed to avoid her unfortunate betrothal if she really did have the Second Sight.

Personally, I think Madame Zoo Doo is just trying to distract our attention from her name and its no doubt shameful origin, which possibly involves gibbon scat.

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Shoe, 10/24/05

Isn’t it enough, O current toilers over at Shoe central, that you have glommed onto the legacy of a successful comic strip and can pretty much blather on in a vaguely amusing fashion over two or three panels every day because if the strip were to get pulled, dozens of doddering Korean War veterans would write nasty leaders saying that they didn’t get strafed by the Red Chinese just so they could come home to a nation so ungrateful that it took their favorite comic out of the paper? Don’t you at least have the common courtesy to make the jokes in Shoe relate in some peripheral way to the characters and/or setting? Did you have no other way to offer up this lame-ass, heaving, flopping, stinking, sorry slab of non-humor than in the context of a completely nonsensical “letter to the editor” that no one would ever, ever write? Were you so bursting with anticipation on this joke that you felt you had to share it with all of us, those who fought honorably in Korea and those who did not? Were there no family barbecues where you could trot out this little number and let it die a deserved death? Were there no brothers in law or adorable towheaded nephews you could inflict it upon? Did it have to be this way? Have you no sense of decency, sirs, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?

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So I get an e-mail in my in-box today with the exciting subject line “Margo Goes Topless!” Sadly, it’s just faithful reader Scott Brodeur pointing out that Margo’s been prancing around with her blouse off for the past couple of days, which might have been exciting if she hadn’t wearing some Eisenhower-era undergarment the whole time:

I mean, when we’ve already have sexy Margo scenes like this and this, this week’s offerings aren’t so special.

No, what’s of more interest to me in comics land is that I’ve laughed aloud at Shoe for the past two days!

Shoe, 6/20-21/05

I mean, lookie there! Two Shoes in a row that were funny! Although, strictly speaking, I think the first is funnier than the second. And if you really think about it, the set-up for the second doesn’t really make sense — a quick survey the Perfersser’s desk will reveal that he is not in fact suffering from OCD. And … um …

Oh, what the hell. You know it’s what we all want!

Half-naked and … desperate, you say? Hmmm…