Archive: Slylock Fox

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Slylock Fox, 10/5/15

Sapient animals: they’re just like us, except in the sense that they had to piece together the fundamentals of an entire civilization in a very brief period of time, mostly using the wreckage of the culture they destroyed during their quick and presumably violent uprising. They’ve done pretty well for themselves, having managed clothes and boats and such; but, unlike humanity, they haven’t developed the elaborate legal theory that would allow ownership of this treasure chest to be awarded on a basis a little firmer than whose footprints were on top of whose. Anyway, the first sentence of today’s solution tells us that the animals are already imitating our worst mindsets.

Hi and Lois, 10/5/15

Hi and Lois is part of a longstanding American tradition of gentle humor about the lives of our relatively affluent middle class. Anyway, in today’s strip we learn that those lives are rife with anxiety, all the time.

Six Chix, 10/5/15

Speaking of animal uprisings, I’m not really sure what’s going on here, but to me the most unsettling thing is that these dogs are in a bed. Do you think these perverts were doing it “human style”? Disgusting.

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Panel from Slylock Fox, 9/27/15

Oh, look who’s suddenly the defender of strict laws regulating who can and cannot engage in genetic experimentation: it’s unnatural bipedal fox-abomination Slylock Fox! Slylock probably owes his very existence to Count Weirdly’s scientific advances, so I’m sorry, I think the Count and Wanda ought to be allowed to artificially create more humans via cloning, if only to restore some balance to this nightmare-world.

Apartment 3-G, 9/27/15

As usual, Sunday’s Apartment 3-G is just a rehash of what happened over the course of the week, but I feel there are a couple things worth pointing out. First of all, Tommie and Eric spend five panels outside, then very abruptly spend a panel inside before just as suddenly being outside again. More importantly, though, Tommie’s “plan” is hilariously moronic. I mean, I know she’s just trying to be inspirational, but still. “OK, here’s how we succeed. Step 1: we don’t fail. And that’s it! That’s literally all we need!”

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Slylock Fox, 9/15/15

Ah, it’s another Slylock Fox depicting the world just after the horrible Event, when all the animals Awoke and began turning on the poor, unprepared Homo sapiens. Here our sheriff is still foolishly attempting to enforce human law and track down a criminal, unaware that now is the time to let bygones between people be bygones and stand together to preserve the species. If I’ve learned one thing from Warner Brothers cartoons, it’s that coyotes are trained in the art of deception, so I assume that crude face is just painted on a wall in that cave, the better to lure this cowboy into a trap. The vulture looks cruelly delighted. He knows he will feast on human carrion tonight.

Apartment 3-G, 9/15/15

As Margo arrives at her supposed Manhattan high-rise apartment building, the door (?) opens, and we see, from left to right … a wall covered in vinyl siding, a vast blue emptiness, a glass door, more emptiness, the back of a toilet or maybe a faraway white panel truck, and a low-rise apartment building with first floor retail. I think “malfunctioning holodeck” may be the most logical solution here.

Momma, 9/15/15

Finally realizing that she cannot control every aspect of her children’s existence as long as they live and have wills of their own, she’s decided to have them killed, taxidermied, and mounted, starting with Francis.