Archive: Mark Trail

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Mark Trail, 10/29/15

As these bad-ass criminals switch their combat-grade amphibious ATVs from sea to land mode, comics-reading children across America are getting an important lesson: just because you’re a part of a violent, sinister gang trying to recover stolen radioactive material doesn’t mean you should skimp on nautical safety! Check out those properly fitted life jackets, kids! Be like these guys, in certain specific ways!

Apartment 3-G, 10/29/15

Oh, snap, are we going to be entering Margo’s dreamscape? At last, an excuse to be in a featureless void! And if you need a spirit guide in your featureless void, why not choose your hallucination of Tommie, the most featureless and empty of A3G characters?

Mary Worth, 10/29/15

Sorry, Bobby and Gina! I know you love Mary so much you invited her to New York for your surprise wedding! Sorry, Shelly! I know you’re so close to Mary that she was your sole guest when you received your major award! Sorry, handsome Broadway legend Ken Kensington! I know your heart was bewitched by Mary’s charms! Sorry to all, but it seems that Mary will be spending her time in New York with a psychic eight-year-old and not any of you.

Funky Winkerbean, 10/29/15

The grim looks on everyone’s faces really sell this punny banter, if by “really sell” you mean “make abundantly clear that everyone involved is the victim of a cruel God and is being forced as some kind of awful punishment to say”.

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Mark Trail, 10/28/15

Guys, sorry I didn’t provide a play-by-play of the awesome sea-battle in Mark Trail, but basically Mark and Ken rode around in the water and the bad guys shot at them and damaged their speedboat and Mark and Ken had to drive (sail? navigate?) it up onto a tiny island. Now the boat’s drenched in marine fuel and Mark is, presumably, about to blow it the fuck up by firing a flare gun directly at it, no doubt just as the bad guys arrive. Remember when Mark was on a boat that blew up, and then Cherry was worried that he might be involved in another boat explosion in the future? Well, don’t try to change him, Cherry. Mark’s a guy around whom boats just can’t not explode.

Funky Winkerbean, 10/28/15

Congrats to Funky Winkerbean on really being the best at what it does. This strip, for instance, manages to convey a sense of almost unbearable autumnal melancholy despite only existing to showcase the terrible wordplay-joke slogan of a fictional arborist.

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Judge Parker, 10/10/15

“He’s got some nerve, thinking this story is all about him, just because he’s a famous musician that people enjoy reading about, and also is providing 100% of the operating capital for the company!”

Mark Trail, 10/10/15


Funky Winkerbean, 10/10/15

Someone to help you lug the crushing pile of stone that is your life from place to place: the Funkyverse’s version of happiness.