Archive: Family Circus

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Dennis the Menace, 3/7/21

Look, I’m not going to say I’m a fan of Dennis the Menace, the character, exactly, but I also don’t think he should be muscled out of his own strip by Mr. Wilson, of all people, and relegated to a ghostly Barney Google-style existence. At least the Mr. Wilson-focused strip from a couple weeks ago featured our man George seething with rage about Dennis even though the lad himself was absent. In today’s strip, he’s just making a sandwich to irritate his wife, and I fear some line has been crossed.

Family Circus, 3/7/21

Not sure what I find more unnerving about this comic: the beginning of the sequence, where PJ floats as a pre-born soul on a heavenly cloud, or the end, where we learn that adults are shadowy figures forever imprisoned in some kind of internment camp called “Grownup-Land.”

Rex Morgan, M.D., 3/7/21

God, I have waited for years for sinister, scheming Sarah to come back, and I am very much looking forward to our next plot, Sarah Faxes The Medical Board Some Financial Records They Might Be Very Interested In Seeing.

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Mary Worth, 3/5/21

Good news, everyone! Max got scared in a thunderstorm and ran away but Saul and Eve went to look for him and found him more or less immediately, with no real drama of any kind. They only got slightly rained on for their troub[squints at panel] ah, actually, they remained dry and comfortable throughout the ordeal as well. The overall lesson of this storyline is that dogs are good, and also pretty easy to find.

Family Circus, 3/5/21

Though cruelly slamming on the Family Circus is one of the oldest traditions of online comics-mocking, predating even this blog, you have to give the strip credit where it’s due, especially when it comes to “can you believe this fucking shit” facial expressions from the Keane parents. Thel is sporting a doozy today, and with very good reason! I myself am having a hard time believing this fucking shit.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 3/5/21

“You mean which superhero do I most want to have sex with, right? It’s Wonder Wo– [sees wife coming] I mean, Superman. I want to have sex with Superman. Whew, dodged a bullet there.”

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Family Circus, 2/28/21

I think I speak for literally everyone when I say that I assumed that the Keane household was a strictly G-rated content zone, so I’m as surprised as you are to see Jeffy being menaced by some fairly terrifying characters in his dreamscape today. I’m particularly intrigued by his little smile as he imagines the alien from Alien, slobbering acid all over the place. Does Jeffy dream of his little egg-shaped body becoming a real egg for something monstrous, something that will burst out his soft, tiny form and tear his whole family to pieces — especially his hated sister? We need only look to the finale image for answers.

Crankshaft, 2/28/21

As metaphors for general brain fuzziness go, I thought “desperately running up and down a flight of stairs to stave off a flood” was pretty grim, but that was before I got to “sinister ‘big government’ will DENY YOU ACCESS TO YOUR OWN MIND,” so, yikes.

Mary Worth, 2/28/21

Saul, Eve … I hate to break this to you, but … Greta has literally no idea what is going on. She’s not looking for Max at all. 100% of what is going through her tiny purebred mind right now is “WHEEEEEEEEEE”