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Click the banner to contribute to the Comics Curmudgeon. Details here.

Hey, it’s the Comics Curmudgeon Spring 2014 Fundraiser! Don’t miss the exciting tote bag and refrigerator magnet promotions — please contribute generously, and quickly!

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 3/19/14

Mary Beth announces her plans t’ butcher and wed Jughaid based on wildly inaccurate folk anatomy. Upside: plenty of sausage t’ serve at th’ reception!

Crankshaft, 3/19/14

Hey, remember that one summer we rented a lake cottage but it rained all week so we scoured the bookstores and sat at the kitchen table passing around Kurt Vonnegut paperbacks and eating popcorn? And I had to explain to my sister how Ice-9 worked, and felt vaguely uncomfortable watching my Mom read Welcome to the Monkey House?

You DON’T? You mean it wasn’t part of your experience, and hearing some jackass narrate his private recollections isn’t compelling entertainment? Wow, somebody explain that to Jeff here, wouldja?

Mary Worth, 3/19/14

Or maybe these three things are actually just one thing? Hey, I know! Tell him if he had a job he could buy one of those adorable flat cars with the greywall tires!

Funky Winkerbean, 3/19/14

In Westview, smoking is an aspirational vice — the stylish path to a miserable death. The losers who can’t afford $5.67 a pack have to chug contaminated groundwater or huff radon.

Curtis, 3/19/14

Sorry, Greg — once those quotes go up on your “cool,” they never come down.

Edge City, 3/19/14

Hey, Len — that’s pretty “cool”!

Words to live by: “Life is just too damn short to go around carrying store-brand tote bags.”

— Uncle Lumpy

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Click the banner to contribute to the Comics Curmudgeon. Details here.

Hey, it’s the Comics Curmudgeon Spring 2014 Fundraiser! Please contribute generously!

Gil Thorp, 3/18/14

Wow, here’s some serious narrative compression, nicely mirrored by matching enormous facepalms in the outside panels. Baseball season begins, and the highlight of the Ritual Roster Reading is the need to cover third base using accident-prone “Lucky” Haskins, whom we met yesterday losing an encounter with a kitchen cabinet door. Fast-forward to “Sure, Milford lost the playdowns, but Haskins wasn’t to blame, because baseball takes more than luck! It takes skill, and practice, and dedication, and we have none of those things! Oh yeah, and coaching – how did I even forget that?”

Kaz is going to kill himself if he keeps lifting like that.

Hi and Lois, 3/18/14

Made over, made up, and drowsy with happiness in her new home in the Valley, Irma Thurston tells Lois how she dumped Thirsty for a career in porn, as one of her co-stars wanders through with a prop.

Mark Trail, 3/18/14

Whenever one of his stories gets complicated, Mark calls a real journalist like this guy.

— Uncle Lumpy

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Click the banner to contribute to the Comics Curmudgeon. Details here.

Twice a year I host a fundraiser to thank Josh for the time, effort, and talent he puts into keeping our beloved newspaper comics alive and relevant here on the Internet. And in this 10th anniversary year of the Comics Curmudgeon, we have some special gifts for our generous readers:

Every contributor of $25 or more will receive a roomy (16.5″ x 14.5″ x 3″) premium tote bag made from durable 5 oz. cotton, with long handles for easy toting. Perfect for concealing “stuff” on the way to eager consumers, horsey drawings to museums, or blood diamonds from jungle cancer clinics. Proudly emblazoned with a Comics Curmudgeon special edition version of Francesco Marciuliano’s original logo, transformed into three-color form by Alice Johnston, whom you should totally contact for all your design and color-separation needs. Tote proud!

Every contributor of $10 or more, including tote bag recipients, will receive one of the world-renowned Matt Crowe legacy comic magnets featured in our Spring 2013 Fundraiser and back by popular demand. These are sensitively curated from an entirely new collection of classic Rex Morgan, M.D., Judge Parker, and Mary Worth panels, and preserved in archival refrigerator magnet form for your continued enjoyment and holding up of shopping lists and kids’ artwork. Check out Matt’s most recent work on his Twitter feed.

And of course every contributor of any amount receives the grateful thanks of Josh and the entire Comics Curmudgeon fan base, plus the satisfaction of sustaining one of the Internet’s greatest Forces for Good.

To contribute by credit card or PayPal, click the banner at the top of the page and follow the instructions on the secure PayPal site. To contribute by check or money order, email and I’ll reply with an address. Full details here, along with an index to all the banners in rotation at the top of the page and from previous fundraisers — more than 450 in all!

Thank you, generous readers!

— Uncle Lumpy

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