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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 4/27/23

OK, Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, I’m all for mixing things up once in a while, but I’m going to have to ask you to stop trying to make Barney Google and Snuffy Smith Present … Sparkplug’s Grandson Li’l Sparky happen as, like, a parallel continuity that implies that the animals of Hootin’ Holler are all sapient and can talk to one another but also coexist with the human characters. Like, don’t get me attached to Clara the chicken, beloved by her peers as a great cook, when we all know that sooner than later she’s going to end up in Snuffy’s burlap sack and then Loweezy’s fryer, begging for her life in words her captors cannot understand.

Dustin, 4/27/23

Great facial expression on Neka in the final panel here. That’s exactly what you’d look like if you visited a friend’s home for the first time and immediately learned that her family relationships are a twisted, passive-aggressive web of mutual loathing.

Hi and Lois, 4/27/23

The appearance of Chip as a sort of one-man Greek chorus here is very funny to me. On the one hand, it’s a little out of place because I’m pretty sure we almost never see Chip interacting with his younger siblings in any way, but on the other, do you know who’d be really, really impressed by innovation like this? Stoned teenagers, that’s who.

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Mary Worth, 4/26/23

OK, look, I was willing to accept it when we only got a day of Wilbur singing karaoke while sobbing openly, but now we find out that a cat tried to blind Dr. Ed and now he’s wearing an eye patch and we didn’t get to see that at all? Unacceptable! Still, I see two potentially funny ways forward: either Ed’s briefly rekindled love affair with the veterinary profession has now been snuffed out for good, and he’s brooding one-eyedly and thinking about burning the building down for the insurance and starting over again in a new town as a simple bricklayer, or the whole incident was relayed to Estelle over the phone as he explained that he needed to “take some time off” from their relationship to sit in a dark room and heal (i.e., spend more time with his wife and children so they don’t get suspicious).

Judge Parker, 4/26/23

This is part of a larger storyline about April finally getting released from her illegal CIA prison for implausible reasons, but right now let’s just acknowledge that it’s very funny to cruelly mutter “Yeah, let’s end this” as you get yet another spam call.

Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 4/26/23

I’m not afraid to admit that I was genuinely surprised by the punchline in today’s Snuffy Smith: I assumed that Snowball was the seeker, and that he thought he’d have an easy time finding Li’l Sparky because horses are quite large in general, larger than most available hiding spaces, and that Li’l Sparky in particular is wearing a bright yellow blanket to boot. But, no, it turns out that Li’l Sparky is the seeker, and playing Hide and Seek with him is easy because he’s not very smart.

Pluggers, 4/26/23

Sorry, I was going to try to figure out what this joke is supposed to mean, exactly, but then I got stuck on the idea that there’s a carton of milk just off panel to our left and it’s hurling at this plugger at high speed and about to hit him right in the nose, and while I’m reasonably sure that’s not what this joke is supposed to mean, I’m enjoying that image too much to part with it.

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Rex Morgan, M.D., 4/25/23

I love how exasperated Hank Jr. looks by this turn of events in panel two. “No, it’s not that big a deal, he just tried to kill me so I wouldn’t expose him, now I gotta save his life, so hold my shoes and tell the captain to turn this absolutely enormous cruise ship around, hopefully I’ll survive the next few hours in the icy water while he thrashes around and perhaps actively tries to kill us both. What a pain in the butt!”

Gil Thorp, 4/25/23

“Are you saying wanted as in — WAP? A [whispers] wanted-ass player?”