Archive: Hi and Lois

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Shoe, 7/25/20

I really enjoy how the eyes tell the whole story here. Shoe starts out heavy lidded — “Oh, a politician has started some gimmicky social media site to get a blip of attention in the news cycle, huh? Typical. What’s it called, I’m sure it’s dumb, lay it one me” — but once he hears the name and its naked declaration of political scam artistry, even his cynical soul is truly shaken, and his eyes bug out in horror. But the Perfesser, of course, already knows the name. He’s been through this cycle already, and his lids remain heavy, as he’s already been reset to an even deeper level of cynicism.

Hi and Lois, 7/25/20

Not much to say about this except that I find the phrase “I follow the meat” disturbing! I follow the meat, everyone! Referring to the plate of ribs, probably, but hey, the guy carrying the ribs is made of meat too! I follow the meat in all its forms.

The Lockhorns, 7/25/20

“Ha ha, get it? But seriously, she’s very depressed and nothing really helps.”

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Mark Trail, 7/21/20

Oh no, if these guys have to spend too much time around Rusty, the promised “action movie” will become a stomach-turning body horror flick rated NC-17 for extreme, nightmarish imagery.

Hi and Lois, 7/21/20

Speaking of which, shoutout to Hi and Lois for coming up with an absolutely terrifying cartoon character that Dot and Ditto are watching on TV. Dot appears to be levitating, presumably because she’s possessed by the figure on the screen, who is clearly a demon straight from hell.

Funky Winkerbean, 7/21/20

Honestly, it’s a relief to know that, deep down inside, Les hates himself almost as much as we do.

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Barney Google and Snuffy Smith, 7/9/20

Look, Loweezy, it’s not his fault. Hootin’ Holler is trapped in amber right on the cusp between a subsistance farming society where most trade occurs via barter and a money-based economy tied into the larger world. The very idea of currency is unimaginably exciting to Snuffy, and because this is a comic strip where time is frozen, he’s never going to get over it.

Hi and Lois, 7/9/20

Hey, everyone, remember the participation trophies millennials got and it warped their minds, somehow, according to angry paragraph-long posts I saw on Facebook? Well, they’re giving them to the next generation too, except we can’t actually afford trophies anymore, so they’re even worse. America is doomed!

Six Chix, 7/9/20

After some deliberation, I’ve decided I like this one. Do you think we’re supposed to recognize the tune he’s singing? Whatever, he’s a squirrel singing about nuts! What more do you want out of life?